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My mother passed away a few years ago...and while clean-up her belongings I found...among many things...old coins...71-76 Silver Dollars...66-72 Silver Half-Dollars...most look like they were not used much...they were wrapped in bank rolls...and then she had a bag full of silver quarters from the same period...

Question...are they worth anything...or should I just take them to the bank?

Thanks...you can email me or send a private message...or reply on this thread...I'm not a coin collector...I'm on the baseball card forum...so I'll check back...
Topps 58,59,60,61,62,63,64 Sets
Fleer 60, 61-62 Sets


  • TheLiberatorTheLiberator Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭
    Well, they probably won't fetch premium prices but someone might want them. Wait around a bit to see if any "modern" collectors chime in....

    My guess is they will advise you to sell them on ebay.
  • CladiatorCladiator Posts: 18,016 ✭✭✭✭✭
    1976 Dollars? 1972 Halves? Quarters from the same era? I don't think those coins are actually silver. Or maybe I read yer post wrong lol
  • Not much value just sentimental. Yoy may find a collector that will buy the modern stuff but this is somewhat typical of an accumulation of coins rather than a collection. If you have any true silver (pre 1965) or 40% silver halves you may get a little more for those depending on condition but you may be better of just keeping them or giving them to a young family member who is interested in coins.

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