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Thanks to John Boggs

Thanks for the slabbed American Eagle... it is a beauty! I got it in the mail today and am very greatful for your generosity. It is people like you, that are willing to give a little, to make such a big difference in others lives.

Thanks again I will enjoy this coin for a long time to come.

I sent off my donation today to the Big Brothers and Big Sisters, it is an outstanding program.



  • Thanks Ginger, but the real thanks goes to Matt Yohe.
    I commend him on his service to Big Brothers/Big Sisters.
    Analog Rules! Knobs and Switches are cool!
  • StorkStork Posts: 5,205 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I got a beautiful American Eagle in the mail from a John Boggs character too....

    That was VERY generous of you. I haven't gotten the pledge card in the mail yet, but I will fill it out as soon as I get it! Thank you very much!!


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