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Mint Box Codes

I searched and nothing came up so I wonder if someone could guide me to a site where the codes on the mint boxes describe what is inside the box.


  • Don't know but I amy take one into work in the am and scan it and see if my reader will tell me?? image

    EDIT: image
  • I dunno either, but welcome!
  • image, oops hit reply button by mistake, I'm a new collector and have a lot to learn. appriciate the welcome.
  • wayneherndonwayneherndon Posts: 2,354 ✭✭✭
    Try this. The codes are listed at the end of the product name.

  • Thanks Wayne, that helps for a few Items, but I bought a few older items off ebay in sealed mint boxes, that I couldn't find listed on the mint site.
    Are they more valuable to keep them sealed? I would like to make sure the rolls are what I thought I bought image
  • If you want to hold and sell at a later date, you may want to keep the boxes sealed. I've seen some of these boxes auctioned, and they do garner something of a premium -- buyers have additional assurance they're getting virgin rolls. I have stuff in the mint boxes, and that's where they are staying.
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  • richbeatrichbeat Posts: 2,288
    Welcome aboard! image
  • ibzman350ibzman350 Posts: 5,315
    which coins ?? I might be able to look at some old invoices from the mint.

    Remember it's not how you pick your nose that matters, it's where you put the boogers.

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