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I really love this forum....

Dennis88Dennis88 Posts: 5,797 ✭✭✭
Hello everyone,

When I came home today from school, I checked offcourse this forum. The first thing I always do is to check if there are any new private messages. I always have a nice feeling when I have one...

So, I opened it and I had a PM from coppercoins. I ordered my copy of his new book "looking trough Lincoln cents" but haven't paid it yet. I thought at first that there were some problems.

But, when I read the PM, my heart stood still for a moment. He was saying to me that another forum member has paid my copy of the book, so I don't have to send him any moneyimage

He hasn't sad which forum member it was, and I don't have to know that, but I would thank that forum member trough this message.




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