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PCGS online submission form problem

I'm a platinum level member and was just getting ready to write up a submission. I entered my ID and password and the submission form that came up was a silver level form. I tried 3 times and it didn't change. Anyone else have a problem? Or could another platinum member check on their computer?


  • I'm a platinum club member and just downloaded a form about an hour ago. You may have to e-mail customer service or phone them tomorrow....Ken
  • BubbleheadBubblehead Posts: 1,621 ✭✭✭
    I got curious, as I've never downloaded a form before.
    I just downloaded one, no problem. Guess I'll use it for something, now that I have it. It doesn't say whether or not it's silver, gold, or platinum, tho? I am a platinum member, and the fees listed look normal..
  • BruggsBruggs Posts: 449 ✭✭
    Thanks Ken and Jerry. I'll call CS tomorrow.

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