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Franklin half's

What I am hearing is there are not to many left in MS65 and above state...due to being tossed around in mint bags...I have been to several coin stores and they are horried....What do you Frankie collectors see in the future of the Frankies price rising even higher, will the MS66's really demad such prices as PCGS price guide suggest?


  • FC57CoinsFC57Coins Posts: 9,140
    Dlimb - you're absolutely right. High quality Franklins are very hard to find and I suspect that as time passes, more and more people will recognize this fact. At this stage of the game MS65 and 66 coins without Full Bell Lines are extremly undervalued in my opinion, as are MS64FBL coins. If you hunt, you can find very respectable MS64FBL coins that are both pleasing and affordable.

    If you want to learn more about the series, do a search on the Franklin Instructional Series - I've been putting up a brief synopsis of each date (12 so far). It's a great series to collect in my opinion.
  • FC57Coins, Thank You, I will do that as I am very interested...I hit it lucky this week and fround 17 FBL in what I believe to be MS66 state...they are beautiful...then I went to other stores and looked at theirs and they were horriable and wanted 4 times what I payed for the beautiful ones...I am lacking a few at the moment and am very pleased with the ones I was lucky enough to capture.
  • FC57CoinsFC57Coins Posts: 9,140
    Sounds great Dlimb2 - if you have the capability take some pics! image

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