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DaveWang, Wolf359, VAMers ...

GilbertGilbert Posts: 1,533 ✭✭✭
Thanks for bring your expertise and enthusiasm in the Van Allen Mallis attribution system to the forum!!!

I, for one, truly appreciate and welcome any and all additional information and discourse regarding the attribution and "hunt" for established and newly discovered Morgans (and Peace$ for those so inclined).

I hope you folks will continue to educate me and others and keep us apprised of those events that are slow to be published.

Prior to your arrival in a big way, I tried to "hold down" (field, address, research) many of the VAM inquiries, and/or to influence others to "VAM", however, I'm not so sure I'm in you guys' league (I surely haven't published anything) but I am interested in how active the SSDC, and other speciality groups, are currently.

I already get Baumgarts newsletter, have a subscription for the Top100 Newsletter, get LVA's annual VAM Book updates (thru 2002), own the 8tf, 7/8tf, Vam Keys, 1879S, Hot50 books. What suggestions do you have for me? If you want, my email address is in my profile.


  • No problem.

    As to being "in the league", I'll confess that sometimes I feel like a genuine newbie as one of the other VAM enthusiasts point out something to me, something that they have known about for a while, and I just think "Duh, why didn't I think of that?" I do enjoy it from time to time when I can feed information back the other way, so I don't feel like I'm just relying on others to do all the work. image

    SSDC was quiet for a while, but things are picking back up. There may have a (big ?) meeting at the Pittsburgh show this summer. If you attend, you can probably meet many of the participants, and perhaps get a feel of what everyone is doing, and find your own niche to work on.
  • Big thanks to all the VAMMERS image
    Morgan Dollar Aficionado & Vammer
    Current Set: Morgan Hit List 40 VAM Set
  • Wolf359Wolf359 Posts: 7,656 ✭✭✭
    Thanks Gilbert for the compliment. Personally, I'd give kudo's to Rob Joyce. He's started a new craze with his "Fun in 1921" book about 21-D die breaks and I'm hooked. You may want to add his book to your library, as Mr. Van Allens updates just don't do this area justice.

  • Thanks for the kind words, Jack. I enjoy talking to folks about VAMs and putting out the book has been great for bringing out other VAM-addicted and having them email me!

    Rob Joyce - Dollar Variety / VAM Collector

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