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Does every morgan have a VAM number?

Dennis88Dennis88 Posts: 5,797 ✭✭✭
Does every morgan, even when it has no die cracks, doubled dies etc. A VAM number?



  • Yes - every die pairing has their own VAM number
  • mrdqmrdq Posts: 1,186 ✭✭✭

    --------T O M---------

  • ...unless you discover a new one!
  • morganbarbermorganbarber Posts: 1,821 ✭✭✭
    Theoretically, every known die pair has a unique VAM number. Only VAMs of interest usually have one mentioned in a description.
    I collect circulated U.S. silver
  • I'm lookin forward to gettin my VAM book from Rob Joyce and the Morgan/Peace Encyclopedia. I have a morgan with a cool goof on it. image i'm keepin it shhhhhhhhhhh though till I get the book. image
  • Dennis88Dennis88 Posts: 5,797 ✭✭✭
    The vam book is on the top of my want list. And when I sell that D**N coins I have for sale in the world and ancient coin forum, I'm going to buy it immidiately..


  • << <i>The vam book is on the top of my want list. And when I sell that D**N coins I have for sale in the world and ancient coin forum, I'm going to buy it immidiately..

    Dennis >>

    check out half.com and even ebay auctions for the 4th edition....there's a thread around here somewhere where they were tellin me where to find it. I'll look for ya...standby. image
  • Dennis88Dennis88 Posts: 5,797 ✭✭✭
    Thanks. The thing is I have to look for a seller who ships to the netherlands at a reasonable price...

    Might be difficult..

  • Try allmancoins.com...got my VAM book from them for a very reasonable price. Sometimes the web site is pretty iffy, so use it to get his phone number or e-mail and ask him about availability. Great service...
  • All Morgans have a "VAM number assigned". "VAM 1" of each date-mintmark is probably (usually) the "common type", so there are no observable doubling/design differentiation point. When a coin has a "visible" design differentiation (signifying the use of a different die), i.e. tilted mintmark, doubled date/motto, etc, they are assigned a VAM number. "Visible" here usually means "visible with a loupe", not "visible under a 40X power microscope". So sometimes there are different die-pairs that have very similar doubling (or not), they may be assigned the same VAM number. So "VAM 1" of a date-mintmark series may in fact be minted with a bunch of different, but equally unremarkable die pairs. Since you can't tell that they're different with a loupe, for all intents and purposes, they're the same VAM.

    There are some series though, such as the 1878 8TF series, people are very interested to collect all the die pairs, so in that series, every subtle differentiation is important and will likely be assigned a VAM number if you find one that had not been previously described in every minute detail.

    Most people like the "naked eye varieties". That is, varieties that you can see without the aid of a loupe. Some also enjoy the mid-powered-loupe-varieties. The really crazy one's like the microsope-varieties. image
  • image

    (excellent explanation)
  • ibzman350ibzman350 Posts: 5,315
    I've spend most of the day looking at my raw Morgans, got the VAM book awhile back.

    Out of 18 coins I found 6 mentioned in the book

    1878 CC 1A O Line in Eye
    1891 6 O Slanted Date
    1892 O 10 R Set Right, Tilted Right
    1984 O 2 R O Tilted Right
    1901 O 20 O Double O, Bar Ear
    1921 1 R 17 Berries

    I find it interesting but the wife runs out of the room everytime I look up from my loop, cause she knows she's gonna hear something about that old money I'm buying, with perfectly good new money.


    Remember it's not how you pick your nose that matters, it's where you put the boogers.

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