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2 new Morgans for me (1896-O , 1902-O)... GRADES REVEALED...

I knew both of these would be difficult to grade due to the pics and the toning.

The 1896-O has been graded by ACG @ MS62. I think that is a generous grade.There is a little rub on the cheek and several marks as well. I would grade it at AU58, doesn't show any signs of cleaning or hairlines.I bought it at less than 58 price so I'm happy with that.Not sure if I'll crack it out yet or not.

The 1902-O was pretty hard to grade from the pics.The toning hides the fact that there is only two small marks on the obverse, one just below the chin and another smaller one on the lower cheek area. It is in a older PCGS holder and graded at MS66.The pics don't do it justice.In hand definite 66.

I'll tell you though, the forum members are pretty consistent and accurate when it comes to grading. I have definitely improved my skills since joining this forum.

Thanks for all the help,





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