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Stupid Coin Show question

I've was looking through the ads in my Bank Note Reporter and I notice that some coin shows require ID at the door. I have never had to show my ID at a coin show.. I just walk in. Why do some shows require ID? Not that this is a problem for me, I'm just curious.

Do they have a "black-list" of people who aren't allowed at the show? Do they like to keep tabs on who comes just in case there is a concern about theft? Do they try and bar certain people who would be taking advantage of buyers and dealers?



  • TootawlTootawl Posts: 5,877 ✭✭✭
    It's mostly a security thing. Send MichaelDixon a PM. He runs his own shows and will be able to provide you with a detailed reason.
    PCGS Currency: HOF 2013, Best Low Ball Set 2009-2014, 2016, 2018. Appreciation Award 2015, Best Showcase 2018, Numerous others.

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