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Did you guys bust the 1895 pr63 Morgan seller?

DorkGirlDorkGirl Posts: 9,994 ✭✭✭
I saw this coin in a thread the other day, and was checking it out. My husband came in and asked me what it was----then asked if I had bid on it yet. I almost fainted!! I told him that it was a $40,000 coin. He didn't even blink, and asked me if I thought I could get it for a good price. What is really amazing is the only coins I have been able to get him interested in are the state quarters! But what I really want to know is-----did one of you find out who the real owner is? I figured it had to be a scam, I emailed him and asked for a scan of the reverse. Never got a reply. So come on, confess, who robbed me of this great chance to get ripped off?image Or was it real and one of you talked him into selling it early? The suspense is killing me!!!!

Link to auction

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