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OT Manuscript page

Ordered this today. Thought you might enjoy seeing it.

Original leaf from a rare miniature manuscript Gradual. Four lines in red ink with text and musical notation in black ink (on a four-line stave), on animal vellum. Written in rotunda (rounded gothic) script in black and red. Italy, c. 1456-1500.

The parent manuscript was written for Franciscan use, apparently after Pope Calixtus ordered the universal celebration of the Feast of the Transfiguration of Christ in commemoration of the victory of the Balkan nations over an Ottoman army at Belgrade, 6 August 1456. It may have belonged to the Tinto family of Venice in the 16th century. Graduals contain the musical chants for the proper of the Mass: introits, graduals, tracts, alleluia, offertory and communion verses, and sequences for special feasts. They may also include chants for the ordinary of the Mass: Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Agnus Dei and for the introductory ‘asperges’ rite.


  • cosmicdebriscosmicdebris Posts: 12,332 ✭✭✭
    That sounds so cool. Any images?


  • Sorry my computer died before I could finish. Text
  • That is great!!

    Venice is my favorite city, and I could get into some real trouble if I started to collect that sort of old document. Do you have more, or is this the first?

    I like Ikes!! But I especially like Viking Ships, Swedish Plate Money, and all coins Scandinavian.
  • Very neat!

    Makes me wonder when the method of writeing music was first created.
  • Refrema, I also have a page from an English Book of Hours. I added a picture to the album if you want to see.
    Here's a link to the dealer I bought them from. He has some very cool stuff. Text

    Compa, I'm not sure when it started but I have a few cds of Medieval music and the oldest piece they list
    is 12th century.
  • I checked out that site, and all I can say is WOW !!!

    I have bookmarked it for future use.


    I like Ikes!! But I especially like Viking Ships, Swedish Plate Money, and all coins Scandinavian.
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