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Nickel Roll Search

Ok, searched the roll... pulled out 6 coins... 3 b/c they didn't appear to have any major dings, so I'll check them more closelky... but more interestingly... I found 3 with what looks like a strike-thru and some die polishing, found another with identical die polish marks... at least, I think it's die polish, looks exactly like die polishing marks on Mercs... so... anyways... The 3 that I think have strike-thrus are identical... Below's a picture... I had to tweak and play with the contrast a little to make it more visible... and I don't have a clue where all this freakin dust has come from... it's prolly on my 2x2s... but I tried wiping the mylar off, inside and out... will have to pull one from the bottom of the pack and see if I have the same problem... anyways, thanks for opinions, I'll post some of the ones I think grade better later this evening...

Editted to add: The "strike-thru" is to the right side of Jefferson's head, the die polishing is to the left, in the angle where his jaw and neck meet...



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