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a great week for my 20th CenturyCapitol Holder

I am currently working on two type collections. the forementioned one has all white coins, my Dansco type 19th/20th, toned coins.

Earlier this week Lucybop surprises me with a completely white 52 Franklin. Explosive luster! Thanks again Lucy! Bebop a Lula!

Last thursday I win an ebay auction for a white 1917 type 1 slq. The coin arrives Monday and I send it off to fellow forum member tonelover for a look. Today the report comes in with a solid thumbs up! (Nice to have these raw coins checked!)

Good times! Thanks to all helper outers, and that includes Pushkin for a great 1859 you found for me, and Baley for all that type-set inspiration!
USPI minimalist design collage
Treasury Seals Type Set


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