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1798 Large Cent Question

How does one identify a reverse of 1796?It is a redbook variety but they dont give a description.


  • One leaf at the top of each branch of the wreath.
  • Donovan,
    Thanks.Lots of varities in 98's.
  • 46 all told. It's one of my favorite years for early large cents.
  • Yes I just found it in my R.Brown'96 Catalog.S-155,S-156,S-178 Only 3 varities?
    Mr Browns best was a 35,cant be an easy one.
  • Yup, they are tough varieties. Do you have many 1798's?
  • 0.Just started collecting again.I have 228,255,271 and 273.
    I'm thinking of doing a redbook DB set.
    I am having alot of fun learning.I am going to do the 3 day EAC seminar in NJ which should help alot.
  • ccrccr Posts: 2,446
    This maybe of some help. It has descriptions but, no pictures to show of the different varieties. Also, this site has pop`ups but, it`s worth checking in as a quick online reference.

  • Conder101Conder101 Posts: 10,536
    The S-155 isn't too bad. It is the easiest of the three, I think it is a high R-4 about a 100 to 120 of them around. The S-156 and S-178 are much rarer, R-5+ maybe 30 to 40 pieces known of each. There are a lot of rare varieties in the 1798's. I still need the S-144 to have all of the Sheldon numbered varieties. The S-156 was the last 1798 that I added to my set.
  • rheddenrhedden Posts: 6,626 ✭✭✭✭✭
    1798 Reverse of 1796 is very tough to find in nice condition. Most are worn out or corroded or both. A VF with nice surfaces is a real find. Overall, it is one of my favorite Redbook varieties, and possibly one of the more underrated ones.
  • muahahaha, my 1798 cent has the back of 1796. one leaf on the left, two on the right. Hope the $40 I paid for it was worth it.

    obverse (183 kB)
    reverse (150 kB)
  • rheddenrhedden Posts: 6,626 ✭✭✭✭✭

    That would be the regular reverse, not the 1796 reverse, but I'm not sure what Sheldon variety it is. It is Style 2 hair, which is commoner than Style 1 hair.
  • My red book gave me the assumption that it was the reverse of 1796. It has a pictures of 3 designs from 1794 to 1805; the "reverse of 1794", "reverse of 1795", and "reverse of 1797". Mine fits the details of the 1797 (16 leaves on left, 19 on right), but that design was also used in 1796 (all 3 were, actually). It gives no distinction as to what the "reverse of 1796" looks like, or what the reverse of the 1798 would look like.
  • rheddenrhedden Posts: 6,626 ✭✭✭✭✭
    If I have time later, I'll post a picture of a 1798 cent with 1796 reverse. They are very distinctive once you've seen a few. They are similar to the reverse used on the 1796 Liberty Caps. They have long, slender leaves that are very different from the so-called 1797 reverse. In addition, they do have two single leaves at the top of the wreath as previously mentioned.
  • It looks like the "reverse of 95" pictured in the redbook with single leaves at the top of each wreath branch.
  • rhedden,
    would love to see the picsimage
  • rheddenrhedden Posts: 6,626 ✭✭✭✭✭
    OK, here's a pic of a 1798 cent with a Reverse of 1796. Note two single leaves at top, long slender leaves in wreath.

    Reverse of 1796

    And here's a pic of a 1798 cent with a Reverse of 1797. Note one single leaf at top left, two at right, short, rounder leaves in wreath.

    Reverse of 1797

    And here are their fronts. Rev. '96 is on the left, Rev. '97 is on the right. These aren't going to win any beauty contests, but they are clear enough to show the difference.

    1798 cents - obverse photos
  • did you guys see that 1798 s-126 that just closed on e-bay? damn I wanted that puppy.

    ya meant 1797. everytime i tried to bid it was already higher.
  • rheddenrhedden Posts: 6,626 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I tried to get it. My bid was high, but not high enough. In fact, it didn't even go through. What nice choice surfaces. Didn't even care about the rim ding. How often does a 1797 come along with surfaces like that?
  • a vf-30 s-126 sold in last years superior sale for $2500. i should have stretched. this coins surfaces looked nicer just a shade less detail
  • Jeez, thoes two are extremely nice. Blows mine right out of the water. Thanks for the pics, too. Nice to learn something new each day.

    Didn't get to see the auction (not that I could've afforded it anyways).

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