Yeah, we've been busy with shows and a lot of other work related stuff. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find a large printed version of my nosepicking avatar for the last show, so I had to settle for just the printed name that came with the booth.
<< <i>Yeah, we've been busy with shows and a lot of other work related stuff. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find a large printed version of my nosepicking avatar for the last show, so I had to settle for just the printed name that came with the booth. >>
4 765 of 50 971 (9.35%) complete
First DAMMIT BOY! 25/9/05 (Finally!)
" XpipedreamR is cool because you can get a bottle of 500 for like a dollar. " - Aspirin
Welcome back , it has been a long exile
First DAMMIT BOY! 25/9/05 (Finally!)
" XpipedreamR is cool because you can get a bottle of 500 for like a dollar. " - Aspirin
New coins listed monthly!
Josh Moran
CIVITAS Galleries, Ltd.
<< <i>Yeah, we've been busy with shows and a lot of other work related stuff. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find a large printed version of my nosepicking avatar for the last show, so I had to settle for just the printed name that came with the booth. >>
First DAMMIT BOY! 25/9/05 (Finally!)
" XpipedreamR is cool because you can get a bottle of 500 for like a dollar. " - Aspirin