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an ez way for PNG to gain some credibility w/ COLLECTORS....

dorkkarldorkkarl Posts: 12,691 ✭✭✭
it's an idea so insanely simple, i dunno why you haven't already done it. it hinges on the fact that a numismatist studies coins to further knowledge in numismatics, while a coin dealer sells coins to make $$$ profit. (nothing wrong w/ either endeavor).

the FACT is that the png is NOT an affiliation of numismatists, it's a fraternity of dealers

so why not simply change the name of your organization from "PNG" to "PCDG", Professional Coin Dealer's Guild? that would clear up 99% of the confusion, then when you make claims about who you're trying to protect, it would be clear that you're protecting COIN BUYER'S, not COIN COLLECTORS.

there IS a difference, you know.

call the PNG what it IS.



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