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I think I finally got stung by ebay

Coin FinderCoin Finder Posts: 7,108 ✭✭✭✭✭
quickshiper....anyone done business with him?

Here is the auction I won no coin yet paid with paypal

I just noticed he has 4 new negs. I may be out $300.00 bucks.

What should I do??




  • bozboz Posts: 1,405
    Have you contacted him. Being only 10 days I wouldn't worry too much. Yet
    The great use of life is to spend it on something that will outlast it--James Truslow Adams
  • relayerrelayer Posts: 10,570

    I remember someone has posted about him before. I think he was upset when he got his first neg.

    His recent negs are about over grading from a (10) feedback buyer who bought $3600 in coins.

    I don't think you have any worry about getting your coin, just that it will be overgraded when you do.

    Why don't you email him and ask the shipping status?
    My posts viewed image times
    since 8/1/6

  • << <i>No coin yet paid with paypal.

    I may be out $300.00 bucks.

    What should I do? >>

    Immediately, file a Buyer Complaint with PayPal. The seller must provide expediant proof of shipment, post-marked before the complaint, with a valid tracking number or PayPal will instantly reverse the transaction - total refund in your favor. I have done this several times with much success!
    Morgan Dollar Aficionado & Vammer
    Current Set: Morgan Hit List 40 VAM Set
  • K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295
    File the complaint with PayPal and don't let him stall you.

    This guy has been discussed here and on other coin boards for some time. 97% feedback for coins is horrible, and I am surprised you would risk that much with this guy. Even prior to your bid, he had racked up so many complaints that I would never bid on his auctions.
  • BarryBarry Posts: 10,100 ✭✭✭
    I bought from him once. A PCGS coin, paid by Paypal. His feedback was a bit flaky for me, but considering it was:
    a) a slabbed coin
    b) a Paypal payment
    c) he's about a 2 hour drive from me

    I bid anyway, and the transaction went off without a hitch.
  • UncleJoeUncleJoe Posts: 2,531 ✭✭✭
    Immediately, file a Buyer Complaint with PayPal. The seller must provide expediant proof of shipment, post-marked before the complaint, with a valid tracking number or PayPal will instantly reverse the transaction - total refund in your favor. I have done this several times with much succes

    The above is absolutely correct, however I think it is a little early to be doing that. Contact the seller and ask when it was shipped. If the coin does not arrive in a reasonable amount of time based on the ship date, then do the above.

  • Coin FinderCoin Finder Posts: 7,108 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks Guys!

    K6AZ you are so right!. I just blew it. I didnt want to see the feedback and just bid. I was foolish.

    Thanks for the help.

  • baccarudabaccaruda Posts: 2,588 ✭✭
    Wow, that's a pretty coin - I hope you get it.
    1 Tassa-slap
    2 Cam-Slams!
    1 Russ POTD!
  • baccarudabaccaruda Posts: 2,588 ✭✭
    Isn't this guy the one who wrote the novel, pining over his first neg?
    1 Tassa-slap
    2 Cam-Slams!
    1 Russ POTD!
  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Isn't this guy the one who wrote the novel, pining over his first neg? >>

    Nope, that was a different seller. Something with "service" in the name. Best-service? Can't remember for sure, but it's not this guy. This guy is a notorious POS ripoff who's been discussed here many times.


    He's been negged by 61 different buyers. Why would you even bid in his auction?

    Edit: The "oh no, I got a neg" whiner was "great-service".

    Russ, NCNE
  • baccarudabaccaruda Posts: 2,588 ✭✭
    Yep, you're right - this guy has a crapload of negs.
    1 Tassa-slap
    2 Cam-Slams!
    1 Russ POTD!
  • baccarudabaccaruda Posts: 2,588 ✭✭
    LoL - he says about that bust quarter "Just a little bit of rub keeps this from being uncirculated". The details are completely worn off for God sakes - that's about a VF coin.

    I still like it a lot, though. Reading this guy's feedback, I never would have bid on his auctions.
    1 Tassa-slap
    2 Cam-Slams!
    1 Russ POTD!
  • MacCoinMacCoin Posts: 2,544 ✭✭
    NICE BUST did you pay on the card?

    I hate it when you see my post before I can edit the spelling.

    Always looking for nice type coins

    my local dealer

  • << <i>The above is absolutely correct, however I think it is a little early to be doing that. Contact the seller and ask when it was shipped. If the coin does not arrive in a reasonable amount of time based on the ship date, then do the above. >>

    Good advice, but keep in mind that you have 30 days to file the Buyer Complaint with PayPal and this period is from purchase (paid) date, not shipping date.

    << <i>Requirement no.2, your claim must be filed within 30 days of the payment. >>

    Morgan Dollar Aficionado & Vammer
    Current Set: Morgan Hit List 40 VAM Set

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