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Should Gorgeously toned coins be cracked out of...

fivecentsfivecents Posts: 11,207 ✭✭✭✭✭
the no seperation line under the label (older)NGC holders? I have several knock out toners in the "no line" older NGC holders. I know these holders will tone coins because of gasses leaching from the labels and seeping into where the coin is held. That is why NGC put the seperation line between the label and the coin. Should I remove these coins or not worry about it. I really don't want these coins to keep toning until they start losing their color.


  • Let em tone, some people actually pay more for them that way.

    In fact, I cracked out some and put them in the old paper envelopes, in a few years I have some nice toned coins to sell for inflated prices.
  • PlacidPlacid Posts: 11,299 ✭✭✭
    Yes I would remove-reholder or cross them if you don't want them tone anymore.
    I had some proofs in those holders that toned gold along the rims. I personally didn't like that the dcams toned.
  • BearBear Posts: 18,953 ✭✭✭
    I recently purchased what is probably the most beautifully toned

    Franklin half ever seen. It was in a NGC MS-66 FBL holder. I crossed

    it to a PCGS holder same grade and designation. In my opinion, the value

    of that coin as a unique specimin has doubled.

    See thread above for picture. Bears Toned Monster.
    There once was a place called
  • fivecentsfivecents Posts: 11,207 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Let em tone, some people actually pay more for them that way. >>

    These coins are monster toners and any more toning would be a could be very bad for their future value.
  • gsaguygsaguy Posts: 2,425
    Those old-style NGC holders definitely allow sulfur molecules from the paper insert to tone the coins over time. It's a very slow process, but it happens nonetheless. Most Morgans will pick up an attractive golden hue around the rims.

    My concern would usually be for a bag-toned piece that then started picking up additional color, perhaps ruining the original look of the coin.

    I usually remove them.....of course, I crack out almost all of my certified pieces and put them in Captial Plastics holders.image

  • fivecentsfivecents Posts: 11,207 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bear....That Franklin is awesome!!!! Now that's a true Monsta.image
  • BearBear Posts: 18,953 ✭✭✭
    five cents,Thank you, appreciate your kind comment.
    There once was a place called
  • fivecentsfivecents Posts: 11,207 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bryan.. These are beautiful bag toners. Thanks for your oppinion, I am going cross them over.image I have been worried about these coins changing color for some time now.
  • ArtRArtR Posts: 474 ✭✭✭
    I'm a little late on this post, but Gsaguy's comment on the bag toned coins is a fact that happened to one of the Morgans I own that use to have monster emerald green color over the majority of the coin. The coin started to take on the golden tone at the rims and was slowly lightening up the vivid green coloration.

    fivecents, Smart move on getting them out of the old holders.
    If It doesn't have great eye appeal, I don't want it.
  • MadMonkMadMonk Posts: 3,743
    If the toning really turns you on, I'd stop the process, and crossover to PCGS. As a side note, I myself, have had some reall good luck crossing those old NGC holders to PCGS. Numerous upgrades and added designations. I am very picky though, so of we are talking my experience.
    Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.
  • fivecentsfivecents Posts: 11,207 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I wonder if storing the coin holders upside down would slow down the toning process. After all the sulfer is probably being pulled down from the label by gravity.( I am not joking)

    Thanks Placid , ArtR and Madmonk. I value all of your oppinions.image
  • ArtRArtR Posts: 474 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I wonder if storing the coin holders upside down would slow down the toning process. After all the sulfer is probably being pulled down from the label by gravity.( I am not joking) >>

    My opinion and my opinion only. Not only do I believe the label has something to do with it, but also the insert that holds the coin.
    If It doesn't have great eye appeal, I don't want it.
  • gemtone65gemtone65 Posts: 901 ✭✭✭
    Can someone post a picture of what these potential problem NGC holders look like?
    Marshall, this is what they look like.

  • fivecentsfivecents Posts: 11,207 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yep, that is the "no line" NGC holder. They are also thicker and won't fit in a PCGS box.

    TD..... That is a fantastic 1878-s.image

    ArtR....Interesting theory that the insert that holds the coin may also be the culprit.

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