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Here's a seller I'd buy from again...

Did a Bin on a 1885 pcgs ms64 toned Morgan. Price was $45, that included free shipping(express).
Seller sent the coin and included a Thomas Cremona designed Washington Quarter for the 1932 competition for a new design. I have seen these on Ebay in segs holders and thought they were pretty neat like the shlag Jeffersons.
It's easy to bash the bad sellers and sometimes we never mention the good ones......

Two thumbs up for LDC303



  • Bravo!
    Morgan Dollar Aficionado & Vammer
    Current Set: Morgan Hit List 40 VAM Set
  • Wow...

    You must have some sort of automated scripts that find these nice BIN deals and you eat them up in no time at all.

    Ever ran into a case where you saw a deal, but by the time you hit "BIN" it was already sold? image
  • goose3goose3 Posts: 11,471 ✭✭✭
    Geez, and I thought this was about me!image
  • TrooperTrooper Posts: 1,450
    Yea i missed this one. The silver alone was worth the bid. I actaully hesitated and sent the seller an email asking if it was from 1932 to 64 or 1932 to 1946. the pics only went up to 45. It was for the full silver series. Not a great grade set but it did have 2 full rolls of silver.

    Missed auction

    Hey everyone Goose is a great seller TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Sorry goose.... It just surprised me that this seller added this coin...

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