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    ajiaajia Posts: 5,400 ✭✭✭

    I'll put my too sense(less) in, better late than never!

    I just started getting into the graded coin 'game'.
    I know you told me a few years ago I would end up here.

    These are my observation as a 'slab' newbie.

    When I see on the PCGS website that the estimated time for economy service is 80 days I cringeimage
    Almost 3 months before I see the results, OUTRAGEOUSimage
    $12, 16 or 30 per coin for submission!
    I, as others on these forums have Dansco's full of raw coins that we would love to submit, but the cost it prohibitive. My Dansco full of Morgan's (minus '93S & '95) would probably cost me the price of a decent '93S! Let's see.....grading or '93S, grade or '93S.....

    On the other hand, ANACS, albeit not everyones favorite, has a 10 Silver Dollars/$10/10 Day service! Plus they 'NET Grade'. Which brings into the picture of 'body bagging' coins. This issue has been raised many times before, but one gets gunshy about sending in coins when you thought they were original & they end up body bagged. I can't afford to spend $16-30 on, what ends up to be nothing. If anyone else can, please send me your coins, I'll send them back to you in a flip stating it was cleaned & only charge you $10!
    Can't PCGS at least place the coin in a slab labeled 'AUTHENTIC'....no grade, no number, just let us know it's authentic?

    On the NGC slabbe coins, isn't this partially our own fault?image
    We are constantly saying how wonderful PCGS is & how terrible all the other grading services are.
    If 75% of NGC Morgans are overgraded (by your own account), and there is a big dip between the grade the coin is slabbed and the next grade down, how can anyone realistically paid even ask price for a coin sight unseen(which is why there is a 3rd party grading service in the first place)?

    I guess my beef with PCGS is the same as yours; too slow/too pricey (although I will/have complete 90% of some sets to get some freebiesimage)

    Nobody wanting to buy NGC/ICG/PCI/ANACS/ABCDEF....., THAT my friend, is our doing.

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