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Author Icons -- another dumb question, but what the hey?

AkbeezAkbeez Posts: 2,693 ✭✭✭✭✭
OK -- I'm the new kid (though I don't feel that young), but I sure would like to use a custom icon. Those stock coin icons just don't cut it...

How do I do it?

Wayne of the North
Refs: MCM,Fivecents,Julio,Robman,Endzone,Coiny,Agentjim007,Musky1011,holeinone1972,Tdec1000,Type2,bumanchu, Metalsman,Wondercoin,Pitboss,Tomohawk,carew4me,segoja,thebigeng,jlc_coin,mbogoman,sportsmod,dragon,tychojoe,Schmitz7,claychaser,and many OTHERS


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