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Grades finally in -

1 21511262 1923 1C USA MS65RD - Raw from Ebay About what I figured
2 21511263 1929-S 1C USA MS64RD - Same - Raw from Ebay what I figured.
3 21511264 1942-P 5C Type 2 USA PR67 - Nice coin thought it could go 68 but I don't know jack about proofs.
4 21511265 1945-S 5C USA MS67 - This is a VERY nice coin just a hair from FS and worth lotso moola
5 21511267 1945-D 5C USA MS66FS - Shot 67FS
5 21511266 1942-S 5C USA MS66FS - Shot 67FS
5 21511269 1942-S 5C USA MS66FS shot 67FS
5 21511268 1942-S 5C USA MS65 - Have no idea what happened
5 21511270 1942-S 5C USA MS65 - Have no idea what happened

Date Received: 02/26/2004
Date Shipped: 03/23/2004


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