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Please help with identifing 1857 flying eagle Snow 16?

Picked this one up on ebay from some nice person from in the United Kingdom .
I think this maybe a rare Snow 16 variety coin but not sure.
Also I would like to send it in to a grading service. who do you think would
be the best for this kind of coin. PCGS is my first pick but dont want it back in a bodybag.
Also what grade would you give it. I am thinking extra fine maybe au.
Thank you for eny help you could give me. Mike.


  • goose3goose3 Posts: 11,471 ✭✭✭
    yep, that's it!

    Looks like it has AU details to me. Some crud by date and on reverse might keep it from NGC/PCGS.
  • What about ANACS?
  • TrooperTrooper Posts: 1,450
    Hey, those are getting popular..congrats!!

    Anacs would grade it no problem. If the is anything wrong with the coin it would get a "net" grade but still be slabbed.

    Nice one

  • goose3goose3 Posts: 11,471 ✭✭✭
    I don't like ANACS and their net grading.

    Get some other opinions on here and if the consensus is that it won't ngc/pcgs I'd personally use NCS.

    I just sold a nice PCGS VF30 one of these the other nite.
    I have another in NGC45 on it's way back to me too and a nice PCGS AU58 one for keepers.

    of all the varieties of '57 these, by far, sure seem to be anything but truly Rare. I have seen lots of them on ebay over the past several months.

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