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Wrong insert question similar to MadMarty's nickel designated as a 50c.

keetskeets Posts: 25,351 ✭✭✭✭✭
If PCGS labels a coin as Mint State and it is quite obviously a DCAM Proof, would I be able to send it in under designation review and retain the numerical grade with the insert changed to reflect PR and DCAM or would they simply say "Mechanical error" and regrade it all over again??


Al H.image


  • DHeathDHeath Posts: 8,472 ✭✭✭
    I think sometimes they're worth more as a novelty.image

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  • relayerrelayer Posts: 10,570
    I got one of those myself. I keep forgetting to include it when I send in a submission to PCGS. It the shinest MS69 I've ever seen, so I probably keep it.

    Interesting question if they would re-grade it, though

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