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What should I do?-UPDATE

I have an Ebay auction running and someone has asked me to end it early. They say they will pay me via Paypal. I know this is against the rules... Should I answer them? Should I pretend I didn't receive the e-mail? Should I report them to Ebay?


  • does it have any bids?
  • No.
  • In that case only the snipers would get hurt. That is why sometimes I put in a low bid and then snipe.
  • LAWMANLAWMAN Posts: 1,274 ✭✭
  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭

    << <i>does it have any bids? >>

    That's the fundamental question. If it has no bids and the offer is acceptable, close it and sell. If you're worried about it, just add a BIN for the amount of the offer and they can grab it.

    Russ, NCNE
  • TrooperTrooper Posts: 1,450
    Is it a coin? Or another object? I have done the same(ask for a quick sell) on items that weren't coins because i needed them pronto.(birthday, ect..). No i wouldn't report them..Just say thanks for the offer but i'm going to let the auction run it's course.
  • Then it would fall into the catagory of" Item is no longer available".
  • I decided to take Russ's advice since I don't see a downside. I e-mailed them and said I could add a Buy it Now price. If they are legit they will go for it. It is a coin. I am a little suspicious because it is a damaged Seated Lib. $ and I'm wondering why someone would be so anxious to "lock it in". It is in a PCI red holder and I have definitely made it clear that it is damaged.
  • They didn't want Buy it Now. I think they are scamming me...
  • Perhaps they wanted to relist it with a less then honest description and didn't want it to show up in their feedback if someone checked. Sometimes I check what a seller buys.

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