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1876 CC Dime Doubling

jmcu12jmcu12 Posts: 2,452 ✭✭✭
I was at a local auction and found this dime. (I am starting a CC type set). I saw that it had doubling on the last E in both 'One' & 'Dime'.

Am I looking at any type of rarity here? I am not a dime expert so I am not sure if this is simply a variety or if it is something special.

Thanks in advance.
Awarded latest "YOU SUCK!": June 11, 2014


  • According to Brian Greer, there are at least two varieties of 1876-CC dimes that have obverse or reverse doubling.

    Variety 101 is a doubled die obverse that can be paired with three different reverses labeled A, B, or C. 101 with reverse A is extremely scarce above VF. 101 with reverse C is rare in any grade. 101 with reverse B is the most common.

    Variety 102 is a doubled die reverse. It is very bold doubling and is most pronounced in the E of "ONE" and E of "DIME." This is considered a common variety.

    So, since you say the reverse is doubled, I'm guessing it is pretty common.

    I would recommend ANACS as being very good and reasonably priced at attributing varieties. But make sure you don't need to see the coin for at least 90 days. image

    Good luck.
    Go well.

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