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USPS Priority Mail

Has anyone ever recieved a Priority Mail Package the next day after it was shipped? Or is it always 2 days?


  • WondoWondo Posts: 2,916 ✭✭✭
    I've gotten next day, but the distance was only 50 miles.

  • I send packages across the country somewhat routinely using Priority Mail. It normally takes 2 days, sometimes 3. There was one time, however, that I put a package in the mail in Washington, DC one morning and it arrived in Idaho the next afternoon. I guess it depends on how lucky you are with a package making the right connections on time.
  • I got a package coming from Virginia (To Central Florida) that was shipped yesterday... I'm really hopin it comes today... but I doubt it...
  • I paid for an ebay auction on Friday. The seller went to USPS on saturday morning to mail it, then went to do some errands. He then went home around 3PM to send me an email informing me that he had already sent the package. I received the package before I received the email. He was only about 100 miles away from me, but it was still impressive that the USPS moved that package 100 miles in about 3 hours on a Saturday.
  • PCGS got mine next day, but I am only about 75 miles away.
  • GoldfingerGoldfinger Posts: 319 ✭✭
    I'd like to chime in to praise USPS. The Postal Service is far, far more reliable than any other shipping service. If I have a choice, I always go with USPS.


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  • Coins101Coins101 Posts: 2,602 ✭✭✭
    I use Priority Mail a lot. I like to print my own labels with postage and you get boxes, tape, etc. to use for free. They are very reliable and by printing the label on-line, you get free delivery confirmation.
  • nOoBiEeEnOoBiEeE Posts: 1,011 ✭✭

    << <i>Has anyone ever recieved a Priority Mail Package the next day after it was shipped? Or is it always 2 days? >>

    Hard question to answer as it depends on where you live and from where the package is being sent from. I have had packages come in one day but that was from Upsate NY to NJ, for example.
  • razorface1027razorface1027 Posts: 4,242 ✭✭
    Priority mail, hmmh, interesting! The few times that I've used it, it took 7 to 10 days for the buyers to receive the package; although their addys were on the left coast, it still shouldn't have mattered.
    What is money, in reality, but dirty pieces of paper and metal upon which privilege is stamped?
  • Cameron has sent a package to me with Priority mail and it took 2 days, Cali to Florida...
  • I print my USPS shipping labels and pay for USPS postage online via PayPal.

    I also order the USPS shipping supplies for free on their website, very convenient.
    Morgan Dollar Aficionado & Vammer
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  • Well... the mail came... and my book wasn't with it... oh well... tomorrow it'll be here...
  • I sent a priority package to PCGS on March 19th. They received it last night and logged it in today. Not bad!image
  • dorkkarldorkkarl Posts: 12,691 ✭✭✭

    K S
  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭
    I once bought a large batch of PCGS graded coins from a forum member. Said forum member lives in New York, and I live in Washington State. For the geographically challenged, that's clear across the country. Shipped Saturday, arrived Monday. That one was a shocker.

    BTW, unless you're shipping something that requires a box, Priority Mail is the biggest scam the post office has ever come up with. On average, it gets there no faster than First Class.

    Russ, NCNE
  • I send money order regular mail took 2 days I then sent another money order priority mail same place same person took 4 days.
  • goose3goose3 Posts: 11,471 ✭✭✭

    << <i>BTW, unless you're shipping something that requires a box, Priority Mail is the biggest scam the post office has ever come up with. On average, it gets there no faster than First Class. >>

    EGGGZACTLY correct!
  • BarryBarry Posts: 10,100 ✭✭✭
    Yes, the boxes are nice. Speaking of which, I sent something UPS a few days ago from Staples. Piled up in the outgoing UPS packages were a bunch of Prio Mail boxes. They weren't even turned inside out!
  • yes...imageimageimage
  • BigD5BigD5 Posts: 3,433
    The only difference between Priority, and first class is that Priority will ship by air, first class is by land.

    I'm in agreement with Russ, for most non-box items, Priority is not worth the extra money.

    Ebay Stuff
  • darktonedarktone Posts: 8,437 ✭✭✭
    I agree with BigD5. Don't send expensive stuff with priority as their is no extra precaution taken for it's safety and it's even handled by non-postal employee's! Make sure to use Registered mail for the good stuff. mike
  • Conder101Conder101 Posts: 10,536

    << <i>The only difference between Priority, and first class is that Priority will ship by air, first class is by land. >>

    If it has to travel more than a couple hundred miles first class travels by air as well. Priority is just very expensive first class mail. But they do give you nice boxes.
  • Always had good service with priority mail. Also they come with a postmark so you can see
    when a package was mailed to you. ups does not have a postmark.
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  • BAJJERFANBAJJERFAN Posts: 31,065 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Most generally if I send something priority on saturday from Iowa to either coast, it is delivered monday and at the latest on tesday.

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