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got my first phony E-bay e-mail today

moosesrmoosesr Posts: 1,966 ✭✭✭
The message said someone had tried more than three times to access my account so they needed to verify my account information. I forwarded the message to spoof@ebay.com to prevent someone else from getting suckered, but I noticed the message contents didn't forward. I then selected and copied the entire message into an email and sent it to spoof@ebay.com and that worked. The copied and pasted message also showed several extra fields that didn't show up in the original email which indicated who sent me the message.



  • MercMerc Posts: 1,646 ✭✭
    Yes, there are many fake ebay emails going out. I have received 1 to 2 a day for the past week now. Delete them all as they come in.
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  • ShamikaShamika Posts: 18,776 ✭✭✭✭
    "The copied and pasted message also showed several extra fields that didn't show up in the original email which indicated who sent me the message."

    Interesting. I've received about 5 of these emails, but I've never tried to copy and paste any of the content. I'll have to try this in the future.

    Buyer and seller of vintage coin boards!
  • Conder101Conder101 Posts: 10,536
    Copy and pasting only helps if you are able to copy and paste ALL of the internet routing headers and not just the ones that show when you are readng your messages. (click on File, Properties, Details, Message Source. Then cut and paste everything you see there.)
  • I got what sounds like the same message last week. I noticed as I deleted my junk e-mails that eBay had sent
    me a notice of being outbid the same afternoon, about three hours before the scam eBay note. I forwarded to
    spoof.ebay and they responded with the usual info.

    I have a cyberfeeling that the outbid notice triggered the f/u spoof email message, but the evidence is purely
    circumstantially temporal.
    Every day is a gift.
  • I got one this week that said my account was suspended and if I didn't agree with the suspension to login on a link at the bottom of the email......
  • Coins101Coins101 Posts: 2,602 ✭✭✭
    Spoof mail!!! It is always nice to reply with some of the more "colorful" user names and passwords imageimage
  • Welcome, you have arrived to the modern Internet. Now you are officially a member of the online public. Be aware, trust no strangers.

    Am I the only one who feels slighted that I never got the "I love you" virus? Remember that one?

    My first scam email was the "please help me move this $30 Million dollars of oil money from my African account" mail I got back, oh, at least 10 years ago. All they wanted was my complete financial info so they could access my account so they could deposit all this dough there. Sheesh!

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