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Announcing a brand-new grading service: I think we'll call it PCGS!

lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,501 ✭✭✭✭✭
This is my cat, Penny. Since Penny has a sort of numismatic-sounding name, and since she's seen what sort of crappy, no-name, fly-by-night "grading services" are out there in eBayland, she has decided to come up with her very own grading service: Penny Cat's Grading Service, or PCGS. (Not to be confused with that other service that uses the same acronym).


As you can see, Penny is sitting in an empty basket, waiting for our first submissions.

She is declawed, so she will not scratch your coins (PCGS cannot accept responsibility for the occasional pawprint or toothmark, however.)

Why pay all that money to the other PCGS when you can get your coins graded for only one kitty treat each? As you can imagine from our service's name, we specialize in pennies.

Here is Penny grading a coin. The grading process is automated: she jumps up and hits a switch on the wall. If the switch remains in the up position, the coin is graded MS70. If it lands in the down position, it is bodybagged for "questionable flavor".


Here is Penny in our state-of-the-art, professional conservation lab. We do not bodybag coins for cleaning- we'll clean 'em for you! If a quick rinse doesn't do the job, a raspy tongue lick usually will.


We have a world-class staff here at PCGS. By no means does Penny the Cat work alone.

Here is our Vice President in charge of Research and Hairball Ejection, Samantha, aka "Big Kitty", (in a laid-back moment).


Big Kitty works very hard in her research.


But we're not "all work and no play" here at Penny Cat's Grading Service. All of our graders take a nap between each and every coin submission. It keeps 'em sharp.


There. Now you know more about PCGS (Penny Cat's Grading Service) than you do most of those fly-by-night "grading services" that have popped up on eBay. Why not give us a try? I think you'll find our grading every bit as accurate.

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