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More keyword Spam please!!!

Another fine example....


It would be nice if paybay could just add a CGI script that automatically rejects listing submissions in any title or description that includes matched conjunctions of "not pcgs, not ngc, etc.".

.... or at least allow me to legally blast the server they're using image

The Rede we live by: If it harms none, do what you will.


  • Look at the 36 quarter.
  • nankrautnankraut Posts: 4,565 ✭✭✭
    What '36 quarter? Is that the little dot in the middle of the picture? YIKES!image
    I'm the Proud recipient of a genuine "you suck" award dated 1/24/05. I was accepted into the "Circle of Trust" on 3/9/09.
  • K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295
    Not only is he ignorant of eBay's listing policies, he is apparently not too swift with his scanner imaging program.
  • That picture is almost as good as this one

    1936 D Walker MS 63 Accugrade not PCGS

  • ccexccex Posts: 1,188 ✭✭✭
    This was bound to happen once eBay increased the number of characters in the title from 45 to 55. Still, this seller aooears worse than others I have seen using "not PCGS" in the title. I could tell that his ACG slab is that, but haven't the foggiest what might be inside the slabs in his small fuzzy pictures represented to be PCGS slabs. Does anyone else think his "Hallmark not PCGS" slabbed coins might be PCI?
    "Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity" - Hanlon's Razor
  • Aren't most of those actually old generation PCGS slabs?
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,501 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Most are old PCGS rattlers, yes.

    I don't know how to tell if the Hallmark coins are that, or green-label PCI's. They probably are Hallmarks.

    Some pretty blatant keyword spamming, but I've seen worse.

    Love the aerial photography- this guy must use the same satellite to take pictures as some other eBay sellers.

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