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Two wierd "key-word spams" while searching for --Jefferson NGC-- over at eBay!!

keetskeets Posts: 25,351 ✭✭✭✭✭
I just thought these were kind of odd, the first being unusual because it has an NTC coin listed and the keyword spam is NGC instead of the normal PCGS.

the second one is actually a double spam if there is such a thing!! it also links up NGC but has the additional spam of "not MS67FS" which just cracks me up.image there were also some auctions for NGC war nickels with listing titles that state MS66FS but the coins are only graded MS66 and the seller has added a small white sticker that says Full Steps!! rather creative i thought.

these kind of things don't make me mad, but i will confess that when i see them i almost wanna shake somebody!!

i'm back to eBay, gonna see what fun stuff i find in a PCI search.

Al H.image

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