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New submission sent. we'll see how long it takes.

mgoodm3mgoodm3 Posts: 17,497 ✭✭✭
Got my economy submission sent off today. We'll see how long the wait time is. Website says 80 days. We'll also see how well I screened the coins. I will make grade predictions now and we'll see how they turn out. I was too late for the submission contest so I'll do it myself. And I had only 8 coins instead of 10.

#1 1909S Lincoln 1c - AU50
#2 1914D 1c - VG08
#3 1858 FE cent LL - EF40
#4 1806 hc Small 6 and stemless - VF30
#5 1853 hc - MS63. Everybody around here said AU but looking at it real life, I don't see any luster breaks. May go down in flames.
#6 1913D 5c T2 - MS63
#7 1884 5c - AU55 nicely toned
#8 1938D buffalo 5c - MS65 golden toned. I already have a 65 38D maybe I will give one away when I get them back.

I put the coins in a bubble pack the first time I sent in my coins and got a smack-down by the post office. This time I tried a photo-mailer (stiff cardboard and got the smack-down again. Each time we just put the whole package into one of their approved envelopes and sent. Funny that you can send bubble pack mailers registered mail overseas.
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  • mgoodm3mgoodm3 Posts: 17,497 ✭✭✭
    Pity reply.
    coinimaging.com/my photography articles Check out the new macro lens testing section
  • TrooperTrooper Posts: 1,450
    Well, since I'm the first to reply you can just send the 38d to me......

    Good luck on the subs. I have a few to go in also. I really don't think it's worth waiting for the grading time to drop before sending in. Might as well get it over with and send them. I hope it's not to long of a wait.


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