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Advice for carrying it all around

I'm going to the Portland show this weekend (my first big show!), and I'm wondering what I should use to carry around everything I want to take with me. I probably want to have a few books, and a few coins with me. Not to mention any coins I may end up buying while I'm there. Should I just take a small bag or backpack, or would that be too suspicious (e.g. scare dealers who think I may try to steal something)? Any other advice anyone has for a show newbie would be appreciated...


  • slab caddyimage
    (shameless shilling for Russ)
  • BarryBarry Posts: 10,100 ✭✭✭
    I always use a backpack. Easy to carry. Looks cheap so you're not a target for thieves.
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,501 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I usually carry a briefcase.

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.

  • << <i>Slab Caddy >>

    I concur, see this thread.
    Morgan Dollar Aficionado & Vammer
    Current Set: Morgan Hit List 40 VAM Set
  • I have a little laptop carrying case that has a zippered pocket, inside of another zippered pocket that I keep the coins in... has a convenient shoulder strap too... just gotta make sure you don't set it down and leave it somewhere...
  • I say Slab Caddy also.........
  • I think a phanny pack would be better than a slab caddy... it'd certainly hold more coins...
  • I use a laptop carrier with wheels........ like the kind you see people draging thru airports......... holds my laptop, reference material, and has about enough room left over as an empty briefcase.. Best of all, it still qualifies as a carry-on on the airplane so my coins go with me !!!!!!! image
    Cam-Slam 2-6-04
    4 "YOU SUCKS"
    Numerous POTD (But NONE officially recognized)
    Seated Halves are my specialty !
    Seated Half set by date/mm COMPLETE !
    Seated Half set by WB# - 289 down / 31 to go !!!!!
    (1) "Smoebody smack him" from CornCobWipe !
  • topstuftopstuf Posts: 14,803 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Taking some BOOKS? Briefcase.

    Or some freshly slit roadkill with the coins inside. No-BODY gonna mess wid dat.


    edited to add.....The briefcase ALWAYS touches your leg. Better if it's BETWEEN em. Constant contact. A ....MUST!
  • mrearlygoldmrearlygold Posts: 17,858 ✭✭✭
    Just be careful "after" you leave the show. Check your tires to see if they are fully inflated. If you're driving home on a highway, pull off to the side of the road 2 exits before the one you're supposed to get off at and just wait for a few moments.

    Then get off at the next exit ( the one you wouldn't normally take) and just stay aware.

    If you're not driving on a highway, take a different route home then what you would normally take.

    Have a good show. Just be aware of what's around you.


  • are you suggesting that it is common for thieves to follow someone home after a coin show? Very interested in any stories.image
  • ms70ms70 Posts: 13,953 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I carry a portfolio type day planner. In it I put my want list, the latest coin values of my target coins (printed off the internet), pens, paper, etc. It also has a separate compartment where I keep some of those fabric "flag holders" you always see on eBay. That way the slabs don't scratch against each other.
    It also has a built in calculator. Got it at Staples.

    Lastly, I wear one of those "fanny packs". That's where I put the coins after I buy them. That way I don't have to worry about losing
    the day planner too much & the coins are always on my person.

    Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.

  • Fanny pack, briefcase, slab caddy, backpack,... all these are good.

    Whatever you carry in, be sure to paint across it in big bold lettering:



    The Rede we live by: If it harms none, do what you will.
  • VeepVeep Posts: 1,422 ✭✭✭✭
    I carry one of those black nylon bags that doubles as a laptop carrier and breifcase. I don't carry a laptop, but I carry, all of my Greysheets, three different magnifiers, cash, checkbook, pens, ANA Grading book, any coins I may want to sell or trade. The shoulder strap keeps my hands free and keeps me from having to set it down while browsing tables.
    "Let me tell ya Bud, you can buy junk anytime!"
  • LucyBopLucyBop Posts: 14,001 ✭✭✭
    wanna borrow my Betty Boop purse?
    imageBe Bop A Lula!!
    "Senorita HepKitty"
    "I want a real cool Kitty from Hepcat City, to stay in step with me" - Bill Carter
  • mrearlygoldmrearlygold Posts: 17,858 ✭✭✭

    << <i>are you suggesting that it is common for thieves to follow someone home after a coin show? Very interested in any stories.image >>

    Yes. Identify the "mark", put a leak in the tire (s), wait. Then follow. When broken down on the side of the road, pull over and "help".image

    You better believe this and much more happens.

    I'll post a more specific story if you like. It's a hair raiser.

  • >>>>>I'll post a more specific story if you like. It's a hair raiser.<<<<<

    mrearlygold........... A story would be nice.image
  • mrearlygoldmrearlygold Posts: 17,858 ✭✭✭
    Hi Puff, I'm on my way out the door and will be back later tonight and will do so then. ( it takes time for me to type)


  • << <i>Hi Puff, I'm on my way out the door and will be back later tonight and will do so then. ( it takes time for me to type)

    TP >>

    I understand all about the typing..... Rally tuff for me also using one finger at a time!image
  • Thanks for all the suggestions! I have a laptop case that's pretty lightweight -- think I'll use that. Lots of compartments to put things into ... heck, I think I can even use some of the smaller compartments to hold slabbed coins. Should work nicely...
  • topstuftopstuf Posts: 14,803 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Also be aware AT the show. Attention from a stranger is a tipoff. I once had a guy shadowing me as I was "vest-pocketing" merrily along. Was during my "gold" period. He stayed one aisle across and wasn't looking at coins. Just staying across from me. I changed direction just to check and so did he.

    So....suddenly I had to blow my nose. Had to sweep back my coat and expose my .38, darn it.

    It was kind of funny to watch him leave the show. Was like I pointed it at him. Told wife "I guess he isn't interested anymore." heh heh

    Yes, I have CCW so it's legal. (actually showing it isn't but it worked)

    If you are suspicious, the security folks will usually accomodate a request for a walk to the car.
  • mrearlygoldmrearlygold Posts: 17,858 ✭✭✭

    << <i>>>>>>I'll post a more specific story if you like. It's a hair raiser.<<<<<

    mrearlygold........... A story would be nice.image >>

    Years ago, I had gone to a show in West Palm Beach and was now back in Ft Lauderdale. While I was driving toward my destination I had a weird feeling but didn't quite know what to make of it and so I ignored it. I was heading west bound on Oakland Park Blvd in Ft Lauderdale and made a left turn across Oakland into a 7 Eleven. I noticed a dark green colored chevy malibu go past me which also made a left turn into the next parking lot and it just parked there. It seemed strange to me the car was just parked in an empty lot and nobody got out of the car.

    After I got out of 7 eleven I pulled out and made a left turn to continue going west toward federal highway and noticed he did too and he was right behind me. I made a left on fed hwy ( away from my destination) and so did he. So I then made a U Turn on federal and guess what? You guessed it, so did he. I called the police from my cell phone and soon a Ft Lauderdale PD car was alongside me and the dark green malibu disappeared down a side street ( no the police didn't follow him) But it seemed ok now and so I proceeded to my destination. ( not home)

    I then dropped off a bunch of common coins to a customer in Oakland Park. ( northwest of oakland pk blvd by quite a ways)

    The next day, my cell phone rang in my car and it was the customer with a muffled voice saying "help, please come quick". I went to his condo and the front door was cracked open. Crazy as it sounds I went in and he was tied up in the bathroom and he was able to loosen the gag, the place was ransacked, and when I untied him he told me that 3 men came to the door, rang the bell and when he openned it they forced their way in and beat the crap out of him and then tied him up, while threatening to kill him if he didn't tell them where "the gold was". He was able to use his nose on a telephone on the floor and he called me ( hence the muffled voice) Why he didn't call the police? I have no idea. Strange. I never saw him again after that. I believed he was being followed ( was a real flasher with the cash) and these perps were actually after him and not me, but when they discovered I was the "guy" with the coins, then I was followed. I had other opinions too but not worth mentioning.

    I was shook for days and I completely changed my habits of driving or traveling with coins.

    I never tell "strangers" I'm a coin dealer. Never. I don't meet strangers who call and tell me "I'm down from such and such a state and have some coins for you to look at" unless it's a referral. I don't care about the potential of lost business as a result of these rules.

    I've owned coin shops, and the whole bit. You couldn't pay me to sit in a fish bowl shop again. No way. I did a show for Heritage when I was employed there ( back in the dark ages) and had to bring coins home with me so as to do the show in Dallas the next day. Paul told me to "sleep" with them and I'll tell ya, I did. ( well just about) A new customer from Naples ( supposedly) called last week and wanted to sit and look at some early gold I have on my website. Yeh right. Sure. I handled it the same was as if he were in California or anywhere else. NO I am not meeting you. Maybe that alienated him and maybe it was just a B/S call. Whatever. He didn't want to play by my rules and so...adios.

    I have never been held up, have had no insurance claims ( Zero) and I believe that incident made enough of an impact on me to always stay aware, have ample home security and protection, insurance etc. Nor have any of my customers and this is over many years. Brrrrrr, this thread brought these memories back and I felt a need to share some of them with y'all.

    You should be equally alert when you ( if you do) visit coin shops. You better believe those guys are sometimes scrutinized by lowlifes looking to make a score.

    Please don't take this business lightly. You're carrying cash ( coins) and as you must know, there are "those" kinds of people who will do very horrible things to get it.

    Better to be safe and happy than sorry, hurt and maybe worse. No reason to be paranoid, just be aware. Someone else mentioned calling security at the show for a walk out to your car. Don't be shy about that. Do it if you have a feeling or have noticed something. Hopefully they will be helpful.


  • dbldie55dbldie55 Posts: 7,727 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Reading this, I may rethink my leaving the "guns" home. I hate to be unarmed when I don't have to be, but some states seem to look at these things differently than others.

    One more thing to pack. (well maybe two. I prefer a 12 gauge)
    Collector and Researcher of Liberty Head Nickels. ANA LM-6053
  • BigEBigE Posts: 6,949 ✭✭✭
    mrearlygold, thanks for the advice, it is much appreciatedimage( we pack in Oregon)---------------------------------------------BigE
    I'm glad I am a Tree
  • BladeBlade Posts: 1,744
    Sage advice and you are very lucky it wasn't you getting jumped. I will be especially careful the next time I'm travelling to and from shows.

    NOTE: No trees were killed in the sending of this message. However, a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.

    Type collector since 1981
    Current focus 1855 date type set
  • mrearlygoldmrearlygold Posts: 17,858 ✭✭✭
    Oh I do too. ( have several) Everywhere has it's share of lowlifes. But after the mariel boatlift, FLA invented an even lower form called home invasions. They target a mark, then break in when everyone's asleep and beat the wife and kids until the money is disclosed. I believe its happened all over since that time.

    A friend of mine who had been in the business since 1958 ( ACC Coin Exchange, retired now) offered me his shop after many many many years and left me in there once to mind the place to give me some time to think about taking it over. They were building a K-Mart across the street. When he returned,he asked me "whattaya think"? I said, thanks but no thanks.

    It's not like the old days. image

    Better to be a happy "spy" then an unhappy target.

  • mrearlygold, I used to live in Coral Springs, Florida (near Ft. Lauderdale) and your personal account not only brought back a lot of old memories, but also effectively scared the crap out of me, heh.
    Morgan Dollar Aficionado & Vammer
    Current Set: Morgan Hit List 40 VAM Set
  • mrearlygoldmrearlygold Posts: 17,858 ✭✭✭
    Hey Kriek,

    It's not meant to scare anyone ( although it sure scared me). I see a lot of people here taking this real lightly and that's just crazy.

    Plan for the worst and hope for the best.

    Saw your profile. Check out the movie "Harrison Bergeron".

  • if possible - take someone with you. It's not wise to travel to coin shows alone. An extra pair of eyes and hands would be a really wise thing to have around.

    That's scarey about the tires - I think next time I hit a CS I will drive around the parking lot and populated areas for awhile before heading out on road. There are probably cons who do this for a living.

    I would take the least amount possible, and don't carry any extra valuables in your car. One thing I do also, is carry a tape recorder next to me on seat. You can get things like license number, etc. on tape quicker than writing it down. Be sure to stash under seat out of sight should need be, so they don't see it ......... and keep it running! I like to keep popping on the recorder with my location, exit number, etc.

  • << <i>Check out the movie "Harrison Bergeron". >>

    Great flick - love science fiction.
    Morgan Dollar Aficionado & Vammer
    Current Set: Morgan Hit List 40 VAM Set
  • mrearlygoldmrearlygold Posts: 17,858 ✭✭✭

    << <i>if possible - take someone with you. It's not wise to travel to coin shows alone. An extra pair of eyes and hands would be a really wise thing to have around.

    That's scarey about the tires - I think next time I hit a CS I will drive around the parking lot and populated areas for awhile before heading out on road. There are probably cons who do this for a living.

    I would take the least amount possible, and don't carry any extra valuables in your car. One thing I do also, is carry a tape recorder next to me on seat. You can get things like license number, etc. on tape quicker than writing it down. Be sure to stash under seat out of sight should need be, so they don't see it ......... and keep it running! I like to keep popping on the recorder with my location, exit number, etc. >>

    All good ideas.


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