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Ever make an unslabbable coin slabbable again?

ms70ms70 Posts: 13,953 ✭✭✭✭✭

Just wondering if anyone ever took a mint state coin & submitted it just to find it was improperly cleaned, etc, then made it a pocket
piece until the surfaces changed enough to slab it at a lower grade as problem free. I guess it's possible.

Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.


  • I remember one or two people on this forum say they did.
  • Yep! Cracked out a 1921 Buffalo 5c from a ANACS MS64 and got an AT from PCGS. A little time in MS70 and re-sumitted to PCGS, got an MS63.

  • topstuftopstuf Posts: 14,803 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Fixed a rim loop once. Judicious banging the spot on another coin made it a circulation mark.


    Whoops......UNCIRCULATED......nope. Post twice, think tomorrow.
  • Conder101Conder101 Posts: 10,536
    Sometimes you can make a bodybagged coin slabable simply by resubmitting it again.

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