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Seller doesn't respond to e-mail but responds to neutral feedback

Just though I should warn everyone about this guy.

He sold me the wrong coin (Link)
Turns out to be a date already in my collection.
I send him two e-mail. No response after a week.
I send him another e-mail. Indicating I'm almost ready to neg. him if I get no response.
I get an e-mail back saying I can return the coin.
I think great: now how about a shipping address??? I send two more e-mail.. no response.
I give up and leave a neutral feedback.
Almost instantly I get a neutral from the guy.

Deal with at your own risk.
Please check out my eBay auctions!
My WLH Short Set Registry Collection


  • BigGreek,

    Reported fraud to eBay is habitually left unresolved. If you paid via PayPal, you can reverse the transaction by filing a Buyer Complaint. This typically includes sending the item to PayPal for inspection, which I have done a small number of times with much success. Another course to pursue would be filing a case with SquareTrade, much of what happens there is discussion that eventually leads to settlement agreement(s). My success rate is 12 for 12, including negative feedback removal. Feedback is definitely something to consider, especially for new members. Though unfortunate, most negative feedback is simply retaliation.
    Morgan Dollar Aficionado & Vammer
    Current Set: Morgan Hit List 40 VAM Set
  • K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295
    Did you try emailing him through eBay's servers? With all the email blacklists these days, an awful lot of legitimate email isn't getting through. I would only leave a neutral or a negative after all else failed. You would be amazed how many apparently problematic transactions I have solved easily by picking up the phone and giving the other party a call.
  • BigGreekBigGreek Posts: 1,090
    I use e-bay mail server exclusively for ebay stuff. This way ebay has a record
    of it as well. The guy is just lax about his e-mail. Probably way too much for
    him and he loses track. Still no excuse. I will pursue it a little through paypal.
    I really didn't appreciate the retaliatory feedback but if that's what it takes
    to get the guy's attention... image
    Please check out my eBay auctions!
    My WLH Short Set Registry Collection
  • goose3goose3 Posts: 11,471 ✭✭✭
    get the guy's contact info and call him.

    I've only had to do that a couple of times and never had much trouble.
  • BigGreekBigGreek Posts: 1,090
    Too late for that. The retaliatory feedback has soured it for me.
    Don't want to talk to him image
    Please check out my eBay auctions!
    My WLH Short Set Registry Collection
  • K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295
    Yes, but if you had held off on the feedback and called him first I think this transaction would have had a different ending. Never leave a neutral or negative until you have exhausted all other options.
  • Agree K6.
    I heard they were making a French version of Medal of Honor. I wonder how many hotkeys it'll have for "surrender."
  • BigGreekBigGreek Posts: 1,090
    There was no way other than e-mail to contact him. I only had
    his e-mail address. I used paypal to pay him and I didn't have
    a return shipping address since I threw out the package. I don't
    think neutral feedback is inappropriate in the this case. He
    responded to the bad feedback almost instantly so he is alive
    and aware. The problem was he doesn't get his e-mail. I've contacted
    sellers by phone several times with no problem. For this guy I
    had no phone number.
    Please check out my eBay auctions!
    My WLH Short Set Registry Collection
  • BigGreekBigGreek Posts: 1,090
    BTW, he also responds to paypal dispute settlement. I finally
    have a shipping address to return the item through paypal.

    Please check out my eBay auctions!
    My WLH Short Set Registry Collection
  • K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295
    He is required by eBay to have a working phone number. Did you pull the contact info on him from eBay? If he doesn't have a legit phone number and you report it, they will suspend him.
  • You can usually get his phone no. by requesting his contact info.
    Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?
    Forbid it, Almighty God!
    I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!
  • BigGreekBigGreek Posts: 1,090
    Didn't look at the contact info. Didn't know about ebay
    phone number policy. I'll use that next time.
    Please check out my eBay auctions!
    My WLH Short Set Registry Collection
  • K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295
    Phone calls to sellers (and buyers for that matter) work wonders. Some people are just not well organized and lose track of emails and their receivables and shipping. Others are just plain lazy slow shippers. When you call them on the phone, it is a wakeup call and usually they will be apologetic and take care of the problem. If you were an unorganized, slow shipper, who's coin would you ship first? The guy that just takes it and doesn't say anything, or the guy who went to the trouble to call?

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