Check ebay for completed auctions on this card. You should get an idea. If not, ebay it, starting at 9.99 and give a good scan of the card with black background...............then let the chips fall where they may. BOTR
Thanks bug, and to another member who PM'd me - actually I was just looking to buy one of my brother's old cards, which doesn't quite measure up to NM 7 but is a nice, decent EX-MT, and wanted to offer him the going price.
In that case, since he's your brother, tell him he owes it to you as a freebee, for all the times you covered for him when he got into trouble. Cost of card = $0.00
A Clemente in ex/mnt (67) in raw form properly graded is about a 40.00 card. a lil more if it is being bidded up, a fair offer is 40.00 bucks in my opinion
I'll definitely make the card a keeper, as it's one he personally pulled from a pack in '67, at which time I wasn't even around yet.