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Morgan $1 Take a look

Please take a look at the obverse of these two Morgans. What grade would you assign them?



  • the pics hide too much to assess a grade accurately
  • K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295
    Not enough to go on to give you a grade. No reverse images either.
  • DennisHDennisH Posts: 13,988 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Coins appear to be extremely clean... but pics don't give enough imformation to do anything but make a WAG.
    When in doubt, don't.
  • PlacidPlacid Posts: 11,299 ✭✭✭
    They look like eBay pictures.
    My wags the 90 au something the 81 65
  • It's hard to tell with pics......image
  • Sorry all it was the first time I tried to attach pics did I do something wrong, because when I bring them up they look great? What are you guys seeing? Are the pics small or blury or what do you see they look great when I open them?
    Confusing, how else should i have done it?
    Thanks for trying
  • PlacidPlacid Posts: 11,299 ✭✭✭
    The light is hitting them so its hard to see the surfaces.

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