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Purchased a few books in the past two weeks.

Yesterday, I purchased 100 Greatest U.S. Coins. I could not see going to the store and laying down $30.00 plus tax for this book but I was more then willing to pay $20.00 for it.
Two Saturdays ago I also purchased some books from Q. David Bowers' Numismatic's Companion series.

What books have you purchased lately?image


  • Back in january, I got David Lange's Guide to Mercury dimes for $22 delivered off of EBay... and it retails for $30... and I ordered Federal Half-Dimes by Logan and McColskey and should be here soon for $70 delivered from DLRC... that was the best deal I found... every where else was $75 or $95 image
  • That is very cool. I thought I was going to be moving a few months ago and packed up all my books, including my coin books. I feel totally lost. I was thinking about trying to unpack them but there are about 15 boxes of books and I am probably still going to be moving in the next 6 months or so. I guess if I need to know something, I will have to throw myself on the mercy of the forum.

    By the way, most of these are NOT coin books, so it would be a long, drawn out search in my filthy garage.
  • jbstevenjbsteven Posts: 6,178
    I read the 100 Greatest when it came out. A definate read for people who are somewhat new to coins.

    I am currently reading (just a few pages left) the Eliasberg book King of Coins. Great book for people who like pedigrees and who has owned coins before we get to own them.

    I am also reading thr Wayne Miller's book on Morgan and Peace dollars. cool book so far.

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