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Royal Oak(MI) Coin Club Show Report

291fifth291fifth Posts: 24,278 ✭✭✭✭✭
This show has been one of the weaker club shows in my area in recent years. A competing club show in Marysville, MI seems to have drawn away most of the better dealers. In any case, I went to Royal Oak show with the intention of selling classic commems and high grade Indian and Lincolns. I was able to move about 2/3 of the classic commems I had available, though I had to go under bid to do so. No real surprise here as getting involved in commems was a mistake and I am happy to be rid of them. At least the dealers I sold to paid in cash so I don't have to worry about bad checks!

I had no luck at all in selling the Indians and Lincolns. I wasn't willing to bend much on these and the dealers all wanted to cherry-pick for well under bid. This type of material does very well on eBay and that where most of it will be eventually sold.

In talking to one dealer who handles slabbed gold, mostly generic, he related that he had had a very poor show. This dealer is not overpriced so I was somewhat surprised to hear this.

Unlike the show I attended last week I didn't see anyone bringing in large lots of silver to sell, nor did I see many bullion sales being made. One dealer stated he thinks the silver price is now too high and the lack of interest in it at this show reflects that.

I'm not sure that any real trends can be ascertained from a show like this. The great majority of the coins offered were raw and many of the dealers were the type that avoid slabbed coins whenever they can.

At least I came away with cash in my pocket!
All glory is fleeting.


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