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I never knew my dad collected coins. Awhile ago I found a ton of coins he had. He worked for NASA and helped build gaillleo. I went though his coins and he has some interesting stuff, some of which you could only get if you helped design spacecrafts in NASA. I'll post a pic of some of the special NASA coins he got. I'll post what they say:

Approach and Landing test. (On other side)

"Thank you for your contributation toward making the Approach and Landing tests of the space shuttle orbiter successful. We would like you to have this momento made, in part, of metal taken from the enterprise.



This medallion contains metal from both Apollo and Soyuz that joined together in the first internation manned space mission in July 15-24, 1975.

I also found a 1850 large cent.

Many itilian (french?) coins with holes in the middle from around 1930's. Buffalo nickels, and some really old strange chinese (or japanese) coins that look really old. Lots of other stuff too.

I don't know if these space coins were given out to the public or not but nevertheless their image

PS: One of the french(I think?) coins that has a hole in it says:

10 Cmes

On the other side it says RF with a hole inbetween the R and the F. (Strange..)


  • islemanguislemangu Posts: 1,378 ✭✭✭
  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,360 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Let me add that I think the NASA coins would be some of the coolest!
    I doubt you will want to sell them but if you did I hope they would bring in some good money.

    I can't wait to see the pics

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • cladkingcladking Posts: 28,529 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Most of the NASA relic medals were made in very small numbers and are actively
    collected by quite a few people. I'm not familiar with this particular piece but sim-
    ilar items will bring $100 or more. This is a growing area.

    The cu/ni French coin is distresssingly common and is easily found in grades up to
    choice AU. It is not hard to find in unc or gem. It's date might indicate it was of
    some special value since there were so many Americans in France at that time.
    There are some scarce base metal coins from France and Italy from the indicated
    time period but for the main part they are in ubncirculated condition.
    Tempus fugit.
  • ShamikaShamika Posts: 18,776 ✭✭✭✭
    This should be interesting.
    Buyer and seller of vintage coin boards!

  • << <i>Most of the NASA relic medals were made in very small numbers and are actively
    collected by quite a few people. I'm not familiar with this particular piece but sim-
    ilar items will bring $100 or more. This is a growing area.

    The cu/ni French coin is distresssingly common and is easily found in grades up to
    choice AU. It is not hard to find in unc or gem. It's date might indicate it was of
    some special value since there were so many Americans in France at that time.
    There are some scarce base metal coins from France and Italy from the indicated
    time period but for the main part they are in ubncirculated condition. >>

    $100 or more? Jeez. My dad also got for working for nasa a coin in proof condition deplicting astronauts landing on the moon.
  • I'll post the pic ASAP. I can't now because its nighttime. I take pics of my coins outside in the sunlight.

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