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Beware of this seller of Lebron James items

I just wanted to pass some information along concerning a seller on Ebay with the name stros40. Last night he was selling an SPx Lebron James card that was graded a 9, and with a minute to go the auction ended because " the item is no longer available for sale". I find it quite odd that with 10 minutes, 10 hours, or 10 days there is no problem, but with the price at only $688 he ended it early. Now for the real kicker.

I e-mailed him and politely asked if the other 2 Lebron James cards that were for sale by him that were to end later in the week were ok, or were they going to be unavailable with a few minutes to go. He actually replied back with the following:

" No reason. The bids were not there last night. I would not sell that card for $800. I will buy them all day at that. I have never ended an auction before. had plenty end on me while I was the high bidder though. I just could not afford that price.

I think that is the reason you pay for reserves on Ebay, and this is called reserve fee circumvention.

What would you do in this case?
"Why is it that Superman could stop a bullet with his chest, yet he ducked when somebody threw a chair at him?"
" Go ahead and get your fancy barely visible cell phones that get the internet, play DVD's, and can speak 5 languages. As for me and my Atari cell phone it works, it weighs 7 pounds, it is 14 inches long, and it looks like I could call in an airstrike from a remote desert it is so large!"


  • Until ebay decides to make it against the rules, sellers have the right to end auctions early for any reason they choose. It might be a reason for you personally to avoid his auctions, but definitely not cause for you to encourage others to avoid his auctions. He still has to pay the listing fee - that's all ebay wants.
  • slvnumber2, it sounds like reserve fee circumvention. Normally, I just live and let live, but if it really peeves you, you can report it to ebay under “selling” offenses and they’ll investigate.

    MrRookie, ebay wants only listing fees if you sell your auction at no reserve. If you have a price in mind that you won’t sell below, you can either start the bidding high or set a reserve. Both of these are taxed hefty fees by ebay. That’s why you cannot end an auction for “lack of interest”.

  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    Many bids are placed with a minute to go........
    Good for you.
  • magellanmagellan Posts: 2,099 ✭✭✭
    All of mine are placed several seconds before auction ends...image

    edit to correct misinformation
    Topps Heritage

    Now collecting:
    Topps Heritage

    1957 Topps BB Ex+-NM
    All Yaz Items 7+
    Various Red Sox
    Did I leave anything out?

  • << <i>All of mine are placed several seconds before auction ends...image >>

    As are ours in most cases.
  • Senor rookie - you are incorrect that Ebay allows you to end auctions early for any reason, and it is stated in my post as well as Cornholio's that it is called reserve fee circumvention. Also, I did not say anywhere in my post that I encourage others to avoid his auctions - I merely stated to beware (caveat emptor) when viewing these auctions. If you don't want to lose your rear on an auction you set a reserve or a high starting bid plain and simple. IMO this is bush, but I will give the guy credit for either being honest enough or dumb enough to state this in an e-mail.

    Cornholio - by the tone of your message I was just wondering - "are you threatening me?"

    "Why is it that Superman could stop a bullet with his chest, yet he ducked when somebody threw a chair at him?"
    " Go ahead and get your fancy barely visible cell phones that get the internet, play DVD's, and can speak 5 languages. As for me and my Atari cell phone it works, it weighs 7 pounds, it is 14 inches long, and it looks like I could call in an airstrike from a remote desert it is so large!"
  • LOL, yes I am.
  • Well actually I'm just watching basketball, praying that my already shoddy bracket doesn't get destroyed by a Pitt loss.
  • Your post is unclear SLV...was there or wasn't there a reserve set by seller that was met or not?

    If there was NO RESERVE set by the seller, he can do whatever he darn well pleases at the risk of offending people who bid on his auctions.

    It is only reserve fee circumvention if he has set a reserve for an item and that reserve was met before he ended the auction early.

    So, was there a reserve...was it met?
  • There was no reserve set on the card - just for clarification purposes. It is stated in Ebay's policies very clearly what you can and cannot do, and I have already taken care of it to my satisfaction. If you want to make sure you get a minimum price you pay for a reserve, and if you want to circumvent the process you pull the card with a few minutes to go like a spoiled kid. I have seen people do this with PSA cards, and amazingly the card that was no longer available shows up on Ebay the next week - darn PSA serial #'s ruined everything for the poor seller!

    There is still a place in this world for honesty and decency in business and dealing with people - some just learn the hard way.
    "Why is it that Superman could stop a bullet with his chest, yet he ducked when somebody threw a chair at him?"
    " Go ahead and get your fancy barely visible cell phones that get the internet, play DVD's, and can speak 5 languages. As for me and my Atari cell phone it works, it weighs 7 pounds, it is 14 inches long, and it looks like I could call in an airstrike from a remote desert it is so large!"
  • Just as I thought....you ought to understand the Rules of the Game a little better before you make blanket pronouncements !


    He was well within his rights to do this, though risking antagonism from his fellow bidders for doing that...but thats all.

    Look, I know people who take the position they are not going to let a card get "stolen" on Ebay by sharks waiting to pounce.....your reaction shows you to have been one of those circling sharks.

    Now suck it up and go find a similar card in which you will probably be competeing for fairer numbers !
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    "like a spoiled kid" hmmmmmmmmm
    Good for you.

  • << <i>Just as I thought....you ought to understand the Rules of the Game a little better before you make blanket pronouncements !


    He was well within his rights to do this, though risking antaganism from his fellow bidders for doing that...but thats all.

    Look, I know people who take the position they are not going to let a card get "stolen" on Ebay by sharks waiting to pounce.....your reaction shows you to have been one of those circling sharks.

    Now suck it up and go find a similar card in which you will probably be competeing for fairer numbers ! >>

    beachbum here is ebay's definition of reserve fee circumvention:

    "Reserve Fee Avoidance - Canceling bids and ending a listing early because the seller's desired price has not been met."


    "Note: Sellers are not permitted to cancel bids and end listings early in order to avoid selling an item that did not meet the desired sale price. This is considered to be reserve fee circumvention. Although there are legitimate reasons for ending a listing early, abuse of this option will be investigated. "

    Please explain to me how ending an auction early because of "lack of interest" doesn't qualify for this. It is the very definition of the term. He AVOIDED the reserve fee by not setting one, so if the auction got above that price, he saved money by not paying the fee, if it didn't get above that price, he ended it early. Either way, he didn't have to pay a reserve fee, which is the very definition of circumvention.

    I'm pretty sure if you pay for a reserve and end it early, eBay doesn't refund your money on the reserve.

  • Posted by beach inhabitant with no job:

    Just as I thought....you ought to understand the Rules of the Game a little better before you make blanket pronouncements !


    He was well within his rights to do this, though risking antaganism from his fellow bidders for doing that...but thats all.

    Look, I know people who take the position they are not going to let a card get "stolen" on Ebay by sharks waiting to pounce.....your reaction shows you to have been one of those circling sharks.

    Now suck it up and go find a similar card in which you will probably be competeing for fairer numbers !

    BeachBum - don't let the facts get in the way of a good story next time. Since it is apparent that you don't know what you are talking about maybe next time you will do your due diligence and look up the information. The facts that have been stated twice by myself and Cornholio come straight from Ebay's policy page, so you can choose to make up whatever suits you or use facts next time. Just because you make obnoxious and arrogant posts does not make you right, but it sure makes the crow you have to eat taste real good!

    I do not collect new stuff and I was tracking the item to see what they were bringing for a kid in my neighborhood that is interested in one. Since you obviously don't know much about selling or ethics from your posts I wll see if I find some of your metaphorical "sharks" for sale on Ebay to help you. Ending an auction early because you don't like the price you are receiving is the sellers problem - basic economics of supply and demand. If you don't want it to go for too low of a price pay to have a reserve on your auction. I am sure if the card was going for $1200 would have still been available, and since he e-mailed me that he pulled it because of the low price I think I am certain he violated the rules.

    Circling sharks - that was a good one. He put the item up for sale and set the pricing and no reserve. If he wants to get $900 minimum he needs to put a reserve on it. Nice try with the tough talk and send me a post later in case I don't act scared enough for youimage
    "Why is it that Superman could stop a bullet with his chest, yet he ducked when somebody threw a chair at him?"
    " Go ahead and get your fancy barely visible cell phones that get the internet, play DVD's, and can speak 5 languages. As for me and my Atari cell phone it works, it weighs 7 pounds, it is 14 inches long, and it looks like I could call in an airstrike from a remote desert it is so large!"
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    what we have an echo in here?
    Good for you.
  • No echo. Just facts but they resonate much louder when true.
    "Why is it that Superman could stop a bullet with his chest, yet he ducked when somebody threw a chair at him?"
    " Go ahead and get your fancy barely visible cell phones that get the internet, play DVD's, and can speak 5 languages. As for me and my Atari cell phone it works, it weighs 7 pounds, it is 14 inches long, and it looks like I could call in an airstrike from a remote desert it is so large!"
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    Each is entitled to an opinion, yours, his, mine, others. All make for great reading.
    Good for you.
  • I agree on the opinion part. The point of my first post was to bring to light a situation that I don't think is correct or fair, and let the buyers and sellers make the decision for themselves. The whole reason E-bay has feedback is so people can make educated decisions on whether or not to deal with others on their site based on past transactions. IMO it is no different than somebody pointing out people who trim or alter cards and the evidence exists to back it up. All they are doing is pointing it out so people can be aware. Nobody wants to get taken but unfortunately some people make a living doing it.
    "Why is it that Superman could stop a bullet with his chest, yet he ducked when somebody threw a chair at him?"
    " Go ahead and get your fancy barely visible cell phones that get the internet, play DVD's, and can speak 5 languages. As for me and my Atari cell phone it works, it weighs 7 pounds, it is 14 inches long, and it looks like I could call in an airstrike from a remote desert it is so large!"
  • Boy Oh Boy, SLV....did you pick the wrong guy to get into a disagreement with....LOL....

    Now, lets get it on dude.....

    Where do we start in destroying your whimsical credibility as to any opinion you venture???? Hmmm, should we start with your assumption

    << <i>Posted by beach inhabitant with no job: >>


    Do you look at little pictures and icon names to form your opinions as to who a person is ?? My name is "beachbum" so I must be a beachbum...DUH...is that what you go through life repeating genius? Or should I just assume SLVnumber2 is :

    A. the very unimaginative way your parents name their children
    B. you were named from a restaurant menu item
    C. you are a clone of SLVnumber1 or
    D. all of the above

    You remind me , SLV, if I may be so informal, of that wonderful book and quote..."full of sound and fury, signifying nothing"

    You want to lecture me on Ebay Policy...on Ebay ethics????

    OK, lets start with identifying yourself, OK? I always find anonymity so , how shall I say, cowardly.

    What is your Ebay ID ??? What is your feedback like???

    Well, I am an Ebay Gold Power Seller with 800 feedback in only 9 months, ALL POSITIVE. I am a member of Square Trade. I get these nifty letters and pins from Ebay telling me what a wonderful job I do, but the feedback of my customers and sellers means everything to me, which is why it is 100% positive.

    You want to banter about the interpretation of Ebay Rules? Fine, I do that for a living, but on legislation a might more complicated.

    So, here it is:


    Ebay does not suspend someone for ending an auction early....it is not a policy violation of Safe Harbor either.

    The guy could have ended the auction and said his dog peed on the card...thats good enough !! He didn't realize he was getting a fanatical zealot who would persecute him for his honesty !

    Now, go back to that safe little world of ....yawn...vintage cards and leave the high-wire act of modern to those of us who get it.

    if you've been on Ebay for any length of time this "Pollyanna" look what a bad thing he did would sound as absurd to you as it does to me. Try getting worked up over matters of real importance like card doctoring, trimming, re-holdering cards, Ebay scams & frauds......thats THE REAL DEAL.....everything else...."full of sound and fury signifying nothing" !

    P.S. Question remains....Your Ebay ID ?

    Your Feedback???

    Mine is linked just below.

  • << <i>Boy Oh Boy, SLV....did you pick the wrong guy to get into a disagreement with....LOL....

    Now, lets get it on dude.....

    Where do we start in destroying your whimsical credibility as to any opinion you venture???? Hmmm, should we start with your assumption

    << <i>Posted by beach inhabitant with no job: >>


    Do you look at little pictures and icon names to form your opinions as to who a person is ?? My name is "beachbum" so I must be a beachbum...DUH...is that what you go through life repeating genius? Or should I just assume SLVnumber2 is :

    A. the very unimaginative way your parents name their children
    B. you were named from a restaurant menu item
    C. you are a clone of SLVnumber1 or
    D. all of the above

    You remind me , SLV, if I may be so informal, of that wonderful book and quote..."full of sound and fury, signifying nothing"

    You want to lecture me on Ebay Policy...on Ebay ethics????

    OK, lets start with identifying yourself, OK? I always find anonymity so , how shall I say, cowardly.

    What is your Ebay ID ??? What is your feedback like???

    Well, I am an Ebay Gold Power Seller with 800 feedback in only 9 months, ALL POSITIVE. I am a member of Square Trade. I get these nifty letters and pins from Ebay telling me what a wonderful job I do, but the feedback of my customers and sellers means everything to me, which is why it is 100% positive.

    You want to banter about the interpretation of Ebay Rules? Fine, I do that for a living, but on legislation a might more complicated.

    So, here it is:


    Ebay does not suspend someone for ending an auction early....it is not a policy violation of Safe Harbor either.

    The guy could have ended the auction and said his dog peed on the card...thats good enough !! He didn't realize he was getting a fanatical zealot who would persecute him for his honesty !

    Now, go back to that safe little world of ....yawn...vintage cards and leave the high-wire act of modern to those of us who get it.

    if you've been on Ebay for any length of time this "Pollyanna" look what a bad thing he did would sound as absurd to you as it does to me. Try getting worked up over matters of real importance like card doctoring, trimming, re-holdering cards, Ebay scams & frauds......thats THE REAL DEAL.....everything else...."full of sound and fury signifying nothing" !

    P.S. Question remains....Your Ebay ID ?

    Your Feedback???

    Mine is linked just below. >>

    "Why is it that Superman could stop a bullet with his chest, yet he ducked when somebody threw a chair at him?"
    " Go ahead and get your fancy barely visible cell phones that get the internet, play DVD's, and can speak 5 languages. As for me and my Atari cell phone it works, it weighs 7 pounds, it is 14 inches long, and it looks like I could call in an airstrike from a remote desert it is so large!"
  • No Answer.......( cricket sounds in background ).........Res Ipsa Loquitor..."it speaks ( no response ) for itself....."


  • << <i>

    << <i>Boy Oh Boy, SLV....did you pick the wrong guy to get into a disagreement with....LOL....

    Now, lets get it on dude.....

    Where do we start in destroying your whimsical credibility as to any opinion you venture???? Hmmm, should we start with your assumption

    << <i>Posted by beach inhabitant with no job: >>


    Do you look at little pictures and icon names to form your opinions as to who a person is ?? My name is "beachbum" so I must be a beachbum...DUH...is that what you go through life repeating genius? Or should I just assume SLVnumber2 is :

    A. the very unimaginative way your parents name their children
    B. you were named from a restaurant menu item
    C. you are a clone of SLVnumber1 or
    D. all of the above

    You remind me , SLV, if I may be so informal, of that wonderful book and quote..."full of sound and fury, signifying nothing"

    You want to lecture me on Ebay Policy...on Ebay ethics????

    OK, lets start with identifying yourself, OK? I always find anonymity so , how shall I say, cowardly.

    What is your Ebay ID ??? What is your feedback like???

    Well, I am an Ebay Gold Power Seller with 800 feedback in only 9 months, ALL POSITIVE. I am a member of Square Trade. I get these nifty letters and pins from Ebay telling me what a wonderful job I do, but the feedback of my customers and sellers means everything to me, which is why it is 100% positive.

    You want to banter about the interpretation of Ebay Rules? Fine, I do that for a living, but on legislation a might more complicated.

    So, here it is:


    Ebay does not suspend someone for ending an auction early....it is not a policy violation of Safe Harbor either.

    The guy could have ended the auction and said his dog peed on the card...thats good enough !! He didn't realize he was getting a fanatical zealot who would persecute him for his honesty !

    Now, go back to that safe little world of ....yawn...vintage cards and leave the high-wire act of modern to those of us who get it.

    if you've been on Ebay for any length of time this "Pollyanna" look what a bad thing he did would sound as absurd to you as it does to me. Try getting worked up over matters of real importance like card doctoring, trimming, re-holdering cards, Ebay scams & frauds......thats THE REAL DEAL.....everything else...."full of sound and fury signifying nothing" !

    P.S. Question remains....Your Ebay ID ?

    Your Feedback???

    Mine is linked just below. >>


    Sorry for the delay in replying but I could not type because I was shaking so badly - either that or Carpel Tunnel is setting in.

    I guess you are going to be disappointed in my feedback because like yours it is perfect on Ebay. You don't need to be part of the American Mensa Organization to figure it out since my Ebay ID is the same as my PSA name - in case you can't figure out my stealthy name it is slvnumber2. Please check with Ebay to make sure that it is legit. Make sure you get the "whimsical credibility" part right when you come back as well - don't leave anything out on my feedback either.

    Boy you really got me on the BeachBum name didn't you. How silly for someone to think that with a name like that you would be anything else. Maybe I can set grandma up on EBay as Big Tex even though she lives in Florida and she is tiny. You might want to look that one up under deductive reasoning, and if you can't find it look under S for sarcasm.

    At least now everyone will wonder how you got to be a Power Seller when you don't even represent Ebay and their policies correctly. Maybe next time you can post only one line of their reserve fee circumvention information to make yourself look like you know what you are taking about - oh wait you already did. You posted that Ebay does not suspend someone for ending their auction early, but what else does it say. It specifically states that "sellers are not permitted to cancel bids and end listings early in order to avoid items that did not meet the desired sale price. This is considered to be reserve fee circumvention. Although there are legitimate reasons for ending a listing early, abuse of this option will be investigated. Now why would Ebay investigate this if it was legal to do so?

    Maybe you want to re-think your stance on this position since you think that people should be allowed to do this by the length and strength of your post. Card trimming and doctoring are bad but no problem with ending auctions if you don't like the price and don't use a reserve. Got to watch those sharks who want to buy items on Ebay - that made a lot of sense there since these same sharks keep you in business and buy from you and other dealers. To think that Ebay is giving you all those cute letters and pins for your great service, and you go and act like you are on these boards!

    Remember my Ebay ID is slvnumber2 and let me know what you find? Also, when you figure out what Mensa is let me know as well, and you can keep the irony coming when you sarcastically call me a geniusimage
    "Why is it that Superman could stop a bullet with his chest, yet he ducked when somebody threw a chair at him?"
    " Go ahead and get your fancy barely visible cell phones that get the internet, play DVD's, and can speak 5 languages. As for me and my Atari cell phone it works, it weighs 7 pounds, it is 14 inches long, and it looks like I could call in an airstrike from a remote desert it is so large!"
  • NickMNickM Posts: 4,896 ✭✭✭
    A seller who routinely ends items early because the bids are too low is not someone I want to deal with. Setting snipes on his auctions is a waste of my time in many cases - if he cancels the auction before my snipe executes, I've completely wasted my time. Bidding early on his auctions will either wate my time or mean that I didn't get a bargain (because he won't cancel it if it has already been bid up to what what he'd like to get for it).

    Now tell me why I should deal with someone like that.

    Reap the whirlwind.

    Need to buy something for the wife or girlfriend? Check out Vintage Designer Clothing.
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    jeeze louise...............
    Good for you.
  • Nick M....

    did you wander into this halfway, because there is no issue here, unless you are merely stating your opinion as to your preferences, as to who would want to bid on someone's auctions.

    As I stated from the outset, when a seller ROUTINELY ends his auctions early, he chooses to earn the enmity or wariness of his bidders, just as you pointed out moments ago, as you would not bid in their auctions.

    But for SLV to go off on some discourse as this being a high crime and misdemeanor is what I am reacting to. None of us here knows this seller he is spreading third party information about...none of us here has seen the e-mail he relates third party; I'm sure this seller is in good standing with Ebay.

    It is the "law is the law" blindness of a SLV that gets me hissed...like some "Jauvert" from "Les Miserables" chasing someone down for a SUPPOSED affront.

    But, you see, I did a little investigation of my own and that is a hallmark of SLV's threads....he once threatened to neg someone over a return of $2 "for the principle".

    Well, I'm as principled as they come , but I can still smell fanaticism a mile away.....or should I quote SLV where he threatens bodily harm as a means of adjudicating a monetary dispute calling himself a "Sportcard Terminator"...see link below.

    SLV's rational response to a dispute

    Oh, but I'm sure that is just "sarcasm" , right SLV ?

    So, MENSA genius, you did one smart thing.....by providing your Ebay ID you are permanently on my blocked bidder list...image

    Also, for someone who protests they are mainly vintage in interests, your Bowman Chrome interests, interest me.
  • NickMNickM Posts: 4,896 ✭✭✭
    Beach - my comments were directed at earlier posts on the thread. I'm still allowed to do that. image

    In response to yours and SLV's discussion, he's correct that it is an eBay rules violation, although one of the more minor ones, as its primary aim is avoidance of a eBay fee. Will eBay do anything about it? Not likely - they still get a listing fee each time the seller puts it up.

    I think SLV is taking the matter too personally, although telling the board that this seller canceled one auction (and may cancel others) because it was at a low price with a while to go is useful information for the potential bidders here.

    Reap the whirlwind.

    Need to buy something for the wife or girlfriend? Check out Vintage Designer Clothing.

  • << <i>Nick M....

    did you wander into this halfway, because there is no issue here, unless you are merely stating your opinion as to your preferences, as to who would want to bid on someone's auctions.

    As I stated from the outset, when a seller ROUTINELY ends his auctions early, he chooses to earn the enmity or wariness of his bidders, just as you pointed out moments ago, as you would not bid in their auctions.

    But for SLV to go off on some discourse as this being a high crime and misdemeanor is what I am reacting to. None of us here knows this seller he is spreading third party information about...none of us here has seen the e-mail he relates third party; I'm sure this seller is in good standing with Ebay.

    It is the "law is the law" blindness of a SLV that gets me hissed...like some "Jauvert" from "Les Miserables" chasing someone down for a SUPPOSED affront.

    But, you see, I did a little investigation of my own and that is a hallmark of SLV's threads....he once threatened to neg someone over a return of $2 "for the principle".

    Well, I'm as principled as they come , but I can still smell fanaticism a mile away.....or should I quote SLV where he threatens bodily harm as a means of adjudicating a monetary dispute calling himself a "Sportcard Terminator"...see link below.

    SLV's rational response to a dispute

    Oh, but I'm sure that is just "sarcasm" , right SLV ?

    So, MENSA genius, you did one smart thing.....by providing your Ebay ID you are permanently on my blocked bidder list...image

    Also, for someone who protests they are mainly vintage in interests, your Bowman Chrome interests, interest me. >>

    You sure are reaching BeachBum and how many SportsCards Terminators do you know? At least you can make comments about people on here with no recourse, and since you can't provide support for your claims you wnet through the archives to find a post where I make a tongue in cheek comment that you equate to bodily harm. Nice work Columbo. To paint my posts with a broad brush like you have is a stretch.

    You wanted my Ebay ID and I posted it for you so please let everyone know what a deadbeat I am by revealing my feedback. You state that you are a Power Seller with letters and pins, so I must be on the same highly prestigious level since we have the same positive rating percentage. Please let everyone know what mine is since you called me out and implied that I don't have credibility.

    You must have some nice time on your hands to read through all of my posts and Ebay info - does this mean that you have too much time on your hands or way too much time on your hands? Also, the post concerning the $2 price and leaving a negative you need to work on your search a little more. I asked a rhetorical question as to what I should do in this situation, and maybe you can leave a few more facts out while you are at it - the theme of your posts suggest you are very adept at it. The seller never contacted me after the sale despite receiving numerous e-mails and payment the night the auction ended. After a few weeks he informed me that he finally sent the card and after 3 weeks I still did not receive the card. If you look at the final tally on the TJ Ford card I received it 2 months later, and the seller did in fact receive a positive from me with a nice note.

    You can check the facts all you want and let us know how that one went as well, and you will find that I have never given a person a negative on Ebay since I started using Ebay. Don't worry about banning my from your auctions because I am sure that like others that read your posts I would not want to deal with someone such as yourself that supports people bending and stretching the rules and does not like accountability - read your posts and open your eyes. You try to paint me as a Don Quixote of the card business when in reality I follow the golden rule - treat others as you want to be treated yourself. If someone cheats someone either by lying, trimming, doctoring or any other means they should be shown as such. If you don't think that is the case, and by your posts you rationalize for those that do it, then remember what comes around goes around.

    I guess someone that buys new stuff like Bowman Chrome and makes money off of it to be able to buy more vintage has to be a real whacko huh?

    You have been called out at every turn. You wanted Ebay ID's and feedback, and when you got it you were not even man enough to post your findings. You called me out and said that I had no answer because I did not admonish you by posting within 5 minutes so I must be wrong - strike two. Why don't you go investigate your claims of my pettiness and where I have given anyone a negative or had one myself - your claims are unfounded and you won't be able to back them up. You won't post the truth because everyone will see that you are wrong in your claims as well as your support of people that break the Ebay rules that is clearly been stated by you on here. You are making this way too easy.
    "Why is it that Superman could stop a bullet with his chest, yet he ducked when somebody threw a chair at him?"
    " Go ahead and get your fancy barely visible cell phones that get the internet, play DVD's, and can speak 5 languages. As for me and my Atari cell phone it works, it weighs 7 pounds, it is 14 inches long, and it looks like I could call in an airstrike from a remote desert it is so large!"
  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭
    I'm 100% behind beachbum. Who cares if someone ends an auction early? It's the seller's card, which as far as I'm concerned means he can do what he want with it until he enters a contract to sell it. And I don't know why anyone would get their skivvies bunched up because a guy is circumventing reserve fees. I know I'll firmly anyone who can find away to stiff ebay and their sick listing fees.

  • wow..last time I saw a post like this was the infamous scott nelson post...120 and still going....I really have no opinion...I just wanted to be a part of this post as it grows...gains a head, soon has shoulders...a body attaches to it...it grows leggs and walks away!!! or mars attacks and we all lose our cards..whichever comes firstimage
  • Bearsnum34, this one has potential to be big. It is clear that it is against eBay rules, but like I stated in my first post I live and let live. I do however pay reserve fees and listing fees if I start my auctions high, so I would be perturbed if someone repeatedly did this. I don’t claim to be an eBay saint, but someone who wants to screw ebay every chance they get shouldn’t use it – no one forced you to use ebay, and when you signed up, you agreed to the terms.


  • << <i>I'm 100% behind beachbum. Who cares if someone ends an auction early? It's the seller's card, which as far as I'm concerned means he can do what he want with it until he enters a contract to sell it. And I don't know why anyone would get their skivvies bunched up because a guy is circumventing reserve fees. I know I'll firmly anyone who can find away to stiff ebay and their sick listing fees. >>

    I am behind Boopotts 100%, which means I am also behind BeachBum 100%. I have just recently made TONS of $$$ by making offers to dealers on Ebay to end the auction early. I purchased lots of the 2002 Elite Jose Castillo rookies from sellers on Ebay for $25 a pop. It's this simple - There was a few days to go on the auction, I offered $25 for the card, and every one I offered this amount to, accepted. I since have turned around and sold the very same cards on Ebay for $55 a pop.

    It's the seller's card, period. Just because he chooses to sell it on Ebay doesn't mean that he relinguishes the rights to that card. I would end any auction of mine at any given time ( and I have ) if someone offers me the right price. I actually LOVE the ability to do that. I make 5-10 offers a week to sellers on Ebay. I actually have a pretty good response. Only about 3-5 out of about 100 have said that they would rather let the auction go through.

    I've said it before, Ebay makes TONS OF $$$$$ of of us anyway. More people do this than you think. Look up the reasons that Ebay offers you as a reason for ending an auction early if you chose. The one most people use is "THE ITEM IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE FOR SALE". Now why the heck would Ebay allow a reason like that if they didn't think that people were doing this? So someone has a card for sale for 3 days and then with 2 days to go, they suddenly lose it? How come the item is no longer available for sale??? I'll tell you why, they sold it offline. I have never gotten upset when I see that a card I was tracking becomes available for sale. I just think that I let one get away.

    If I had a Lebron 1/1 up for sale with a few days to go, and someone emailed me with an offer of $10,000 when the current highest bid was only at $2,600 or so, I would be a moron not to take that offer. Anyone that didn't because they thought that they owed Ebay something would be a lunatic. Reserve or not. I am a huge David Garrard collector and a Fleer Showcase 2002 1/1 Masterpiece came up on Ebay for a 7 day auction. I knew that this was my only shot at the card, so I emailed the seller. I offered $100 for the card. He countered and we ended up at around $140 or so. I got the card, others didn't. I win. I played it smart and got what I wanted. The seller didn't have to accept the offer. He like what was offered and wasn't sure what his auction would end at. A gamble on both ends. Maybe I overpaid, maybe he undersold. Who cares, we both agreed that we were happy. To me, that was a successful deal.

    So Slvnumber2, maybe you need to open YOUR eyes and take a better look at Ebay. There is all kind of trashy ways going on. Cancelling an auction early is one of the smallest complaints ( if it even warrants one ) to be made. How about shill bidding, alt accounts, sellers with horrific feedback, yet still selling and ripping people off!! Maybe you should log onto Ebay and ask about a job as a lawyer for the company. You seem to be doing a great job already. They just need to start paying you.

    Mensa? Who gives a crap. Take your big head over to the NASA Forum then. Get real.


    7 MVP awards, the single season HR record, career walks record, single season walks record, 700HR/500SB, and two batting titles near 40 years old. How can one argue that those aren't stats of the greatest to ever play the game??? All this and there is still more to come!!!! Bonds:2005 NL MVP. Or are you going to doubt him again?
  • SLV.......sigh.....

    I think my point was made....you over-reacted, as you continue to show.

    Tell me, is jay-walking and robbery the same?? I know, seems like a stupid analogy, but you put ending an auction early and card doctoring, trimming & scamming in the same sentence as equivalent infractions. That is my point...they are not!

    But, in your "broad-brush" labeling all sins are equal....they are not.

    Just as your 134 positive feedback of 164 feedback IS NOT THE SAME as my 1189 positive feedback given with 800 being unique. But again, deception through a statistic, 100%....by your reasoning a one feedback with a positive has the same credibility as I do....flawed reasoning...that is my beef with you SLV.

    Of all the people on this board whose protection of this Hobby you would want to impugn ( I figure if your MENSA you can keep up with the vocabulary ), I am the last. You should read some posts and see who brings card doctoring and trimming of modern cards to the attention of modern collectors. Somehow, I feel this has more merit than a petty personal dispute you bring to the board....priorities, SLV....you can't distinguish an early auction end from fraud in your book...its all the same.

    No, SLV, I don't countenance any BS in auctions, but as a human, I recognize the flawed character of human enterprise which will result in late packages ( not a problem of mine as you can see from 800 positive feedback ), late payments ( never a problem with me either ) or not wanting to lose $$$ on an auction when you have never ended one early before as YOU SAID the seller told you.

    Your hissed because you thought you would get a steal.....get over it and move on...you act like judge, jury and executioner, as if you have never made a mistake.

    Personally, I don't care....you can vent all you want, I've had my say.

    CASE CLOSED:image
  • TheRoach,

    I don’t want to get into a big thing with you, but your arguments sound like the same arguments used by people who don’t pay taxes and people who steal from retail stores. You agreed to the terms when you signed up, if you don’t like them - leave. Yes, you can get away with some stuff, that comes down to a matter of ethics or lack thereof. Ebay makes a lot of money, but why does that allow you to screw them? Wal-Mart makes a lot of money, but stealing items off the shelf is a crime.

  • Roach - you are right. Why should anyone follow the rules set forth, and next time you buy a card that has been trimmed or re-sealed make sure you don't post it on here. Nice Mensa quip - notice I did not say I was Mensa but simply referred to the organization to make a point. Beach might be arrogant enough to state that, but if you want to include in an elite group of the top 2% feel free to do so. I promise I will hide the rejection letter when they send it to me!

    For BeachBum here is the e-mail that the seller sent me concerning taking the card off early because he did not like the price. You stated earlier that I did not have any proof, so like the rest of your posts you don't post facts just attacks.

    No reason. The bids were not there last night. I would not sell that card
    for $800. I will buy them all day at that. I have never ended an auction
    before, had plenty end on me while I was the high bidder though, I just
    could not afford that price. I noticed you did not bid. I have a total of 3
    on Ebay right now.

    Sorry for any inconvience,
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: <slavenumber2@aol.com>
    To: <jsturgeon1@sc.rr.com>
    Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 8:48 AM
    Subject: Question for seller -- Item #2794361575

    > I am looking at this item and wanted to make sure it is going to be
    available. Last night you were offering a Lebron James card in a BGS 9, but
    the auction was cancelled with a minute to go because it was no longer
    available. I am confused as to why an item would be put up for auction and
    available up until one minute before the auction ended. Thank you for your
    > --------------------
    > Question from: slvnumber2
    > Title of item: 2003-04 SPX Lebron James BGS 9 w/ 10 auto
    > Seller: stros40
    > Starts: Mar-14-04 20:45:00 PST
    > Ends: Mar-21-04 20:45:00 PST
    > Price: Currently $202.50
    > To view the item, go to:
    > Visit eBay, The World's Online Marketplace TM at http://www.ebay.com

    There are the facts. No name calling, polite, and to the point. The seller clearly violated the policy that you Mr "I am a Power Seller please look at my pins and letters Ebay sends me" say does not exist, but has been posted in full on previous posts stating differently. Jaywalking to robbery - I guess you can stretch it if you like, but let me ask you this. Say a seller has 20 Joe Mauer 2002 Bowman Chrome Auto rookies in PSA 10 up for sale with no reserve. You are the high bidder on the lot at $300, and because the seller does not like the fact that it is going for far under book value he closes the auction stating that the cards are no longer available. Two weeks later the same cards are offered on Ebay, and you mean to tell me you would not have any problem with it? Simply stated the reserve is used for that reason - if you want to protect yourself from an item not going for what you want you place a reserve.

    Kind of hypocritical for some of you to claim you want to screw Ebay and if others do it more power to them, yet you have no problem using Ebay to sell and make money. Can't have it both ways. Lawyer for Ebay - no thanks. I would never want to be associated with that group - lawyers that is. Glad to see that some people find the ends justifies the means and vice versa.

    Beach - your feedback line made no sense. I have all positives as do you, and I have over 150+ transactions so it is not like I have bought 3 Christmas ornaments and I am claiming to be Mr Power Seller. The facts are your points have no merit and you are incorrect (that is impossible I am a Power Seller) about Ebays policy. We can dance as long as you want to, but it might be best for you to quit while you are still getting letters and pinsimage
    "Why is it that Superman could stop a bullet with his chest, yet he ducked when somebody threw a chair at him?"
    " Go ahead and get your fancy barely visible cell phones that get the internet, play DVD's, and can speak 5 languages. As for me and my Atari cell phone it works, it weighs 7 pounds, it is 14 inches long, and it looks like I could call in an airstrike from a remote desert it is so large!"
  • Do you know I can honestly say I don't know what the heck you are talking about SLV....do you even have the word "perspective" in your vocabulary?

    Just what about about me having a feedback of 800 and you only 134 don't you understand?

    What in that seller's honest letter do you have a problem with ???

    I didn't doubt the letter existed, but I was sure your fanatical response to it did.

    LET IT GO....you're right, you couldn't possibly be MENSA...they know how to string sentences together in a coherent fashion.

    Oh, Roach, thanks for the defense big guy....I didn't know this board was going right wing under the guise of liberal cartoon characters. I mean, c'mon Corny....Roach condoning shoplifting ????? Ebay PERMITS THIS ACTIVITY OF ENDING AUCTIONS EARLY. It ISN'T SHILL BIDDING, IT ISN'T FRAUD...ITS NOT EVEN ACTIONABLE UNLESS YOU MAKE A PRACTICE OF IT !!!!

    Sheesh....what is your problems guys.....its a MINOR infraction committed one time by this seller....

    GET A LIFE !
  • BeachBum,

    Apparently you couldn't understand my post. Unless I misinterpreted TheRoaches post, he continually avoids paying money that is due to eBay by buying and selling outside of it. His justification was that it’s okay since they make a lot of money. People who steal from retail stores use this same excuse to justify their actions. I didn’t say that he condoned stealing.

    This thread changed from a seller committing a petty offense to an issue of what’s right and wrong when several members spoke about trying to screw eBay every chance they get.

    I feel sorry for you if you can’t see past my signature line humor. Or need to pick fun at my user name or tell people to get a life to make you feel better about yourself.

  • You said case closed and continue to post - what are we going to do with you. I have taken care of the issue to my satisfaction, and you can keep this post going as long as you want to.

    Cornholio - thank you for the perspective and the hope that people out there understand right from wrong no matter who benefits. Time to go raid the pantry for some sugary treats and sodas and pull my shirt over my head!

    Do you think Roach and Beach's posts can be construed as "threatening me?"
    "Why is it that Superman could stop a bullet with his chest, yet he ducked when somebody threw a chair at him?"
    " Go ahead and get your fancy barely visible cell phones that get the internet, play DVD's, and can speak 5 languages. As for me and my Atari cell phone it works, it weighs 7 pounds, it is 14 inches long, and it looks like I could call in an airstrike from a remote desert it is so large!"
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    <shaking head in disbelief>

    Good for you.
  • Corny was a heck of lot easier than your full name...no offense meant there....

    I could care less about your signature line, except to comment on the irony of an anarchist character you use while sounding like an apologist for Ebay, the ESTABLISHMENT.

    You are new to these Boards, but I find your perspective intriguing...I don't think I've ever seen anyone defend Ebay, an almost indefensible entity.

    I don't see Roach claiming any impropriety...he too is a member in good standing on Ebay.

    And as to you SLV, you certainly know how to attack and then feign the need to run for cover.

    I believe you are a purposeful irritant...you have been told your concerns were petty by more than me.

    Maybe I should copy this thread to the Stros and see if he feels he has been defamed???image
  • BeachBum,

    My point was by joining eBay, one is agreeing to not do the very things that people are proclaiming they do. Look, eBay is far from perfect, there’s no denying that. But the fact of the matter is eBay is the most popular auction site, and if you want to sell off of their site, you must agree to their terms.

    I understand the irony between my sig. line and my statements. I like bringing some humor to these boards.

    Please let me know how “Corny” is easier to type than “Brian”


  • << <i>BeachBum,

    Apparently you couldn't understand my post. Unless I misinterpreted TheRoaches post, he continually avoids paying money that is due to eBay by buying and selling outside of it. His justification was that it’s okay since they make a lot of money. People who steal from retail stores use this same excuse to justify their actions. I didn’t say that he condoned stealing.

    This thread changed from a seller committing a petty offense to an issue of what’s right and wrong when several members spoke about trying to screw eBay every chance they get.

    I feel sorry for you if you can’t see past my signature line humor. Or need to pick fun at my user name or tell people to get a life to make you feel better about yourself.

    Brian >>

    Just curious Cornhole, In your first sentence you say that I "continually avoid payig $$$ that is due to Ebay when I buy and sell outside of Ebay". How much $$$ am I not paying Ebay when I make a purchase from a seller off Ebay? Send me a bill for the total amount of $$$ I owe them for all of my off line purchaes. All of this time I thought that the seller was getting out of the Ebay fees.

    I've said it before, I just want the card. I'm looking to maximize my profits and I have done great at that by purchasing cards from dealers before the auction ends for what the 2 of us agree is a fair price. All they have to do is say "No". Their must be an overwhelming amount of crooks on Ebay because like I said, I usually get the deal completed.

    I never said that Ebay doesn't deserve the $$$$, it's just one of the unfortunate results of me getting a card from a seller without having to weed through the possibility of shill bidders and sniping. That's the kind of stuff that make Ebay corrupt. I could also put a HUGE bid on the card to assure myself of the card, right? Maybe, but I don't want to pay pennies shy of that large bid just because someone SHILL BID all the way up to the closest bid increment before me being outbid. I've been burned by that before.

    I snipe like the rest of us, but if I ain't as fast as Johnny Stopwatch, I lose out on the card. As for Reserve Auctions, they don't attract as many bidders as auctions without a reserve. People tend to shy away when they see that they can't know if they are the high bidder and see their name indicating this. Especially for the snipers.

    I'll keep doing business the way I do. If Ebay gets screwed out of a few bucks in the process, so be it. Where were they when I paid $105 for a '87 Fleer Barry Bonds about 2 years ago, never received it, sent a detailed report, and wound up without a card or refund? The seller disappeared and more than likely resurfaced days later under another name. I would believe that alot of people on these boards feel the way I do when it comes to Ebay and the way they protect you. They give a rat's azz! They allow scumbags with 30-40 negative feedbacks to continue to rip off people each day. Why? Because they sell alot and pump that almighty buck into Ebays pocket. Ebay only thinks/cares about themselves. I am NOT sorry that I have inherited the same attitude.

    Keep kissing up to Ebay and praising them. If they weren't one of the most recognized auction sites ( which means better chances of sales for me ), I would leave them in a heartbeat. But for now, I will use them as means of making money.

    Go to the Ebay forums if you want defend them and patrol the area for Ebay wrongdoers. You told me to leave Ebay if I wouldn't abide by the rules. That's like a 3rd grade crossing guard trying to make an arrest. LOL.

    Besides, what harm do I have for any of the buyers or sellers on Ebay when I make offline purchases or sales? Why does it bother you so much? I know, you must be a stock holder in Ebay. No other excuse seems legit.


    7 MVP awards, the single season HR record, career walks record, single season walks record, 700HR/500SB, and two batting titles near 40 years old. How can one argue that those aren't stats of the greatest to ever play the game??? All this and there is still more to come!!!! Bonds:2005 NL MVP. Or are you going to doubt him again?
  • The Roach,

    “Cornhole”, most people outgrew name-calling years ago, I guess we all don’t mature at the same rate.

    Here are some of your quotes:

    “I would end any auction of mine at any given time ( and I have ) if someone offers me the right price. I actually LOVE the ability to do that.”

    “I'll keep doing business the way I do. If Ebay gets screwed out of a few bucks in the process, so be it.”

    “But for now, I will use them as means of making money.”

    The first and second ones are the violation I was talking about (avoiding to pay final value fees to eBay when you SELL off of eBay). Hopefully, the third one will cease if/when you are investigated and booted.

    I agree that shill bidding is one of the lowest things anyone could do, but you justify breaking one rule, to avoid someone else breaking another. This is the proverbial “bed of sand” that your entire argument is based on. If you can’t see this then I am wasting my time talking to you – it’s like throwing crap against the tide.

    My statements hardly constituent “kissing up to eBay”. You need to learn to read better. And no I am not a stock holder on eBay; what I am doing is called “standing up for what is right”. This may be a new concept to you.


  • << <i>The Roach,

    “Cornhole”, most people outgrew name-calling years ago, I guess we all don’t mature at the same rate.

    Here are some of your quotes:

    “I would end any auction of mine at any given time ( and I have ) if someone offers me the right price. I actually LOVE the ability to do that.”

    “I'll keep doing business the way I do. If Ebay gets screwed out of a few bucks in the process, so be it.”

    “But for now, I will use them as means of making money.”

    The first and second ones are the violation I was talking about (avoiding to pay final value fees to eBay when you SELL off of eBay). Hopefully, the third one will cease if/when you are investigated and booted.

    My statements hardly constituent “kissing up to eBay”. You need to learn to read better. And no I am not a stock holder on eBay; what I am doing is called “standing up for what is right”. This may be a new concept to you.

    Like I said before, there are thousands of scumbags on Ebay that rip off sellers/buyers left and right. They even have terrible feedback to prove it! Ebay looks right past that and allows them to carry on because these "scumbags" sell alot and make Ebay money. If you ever think that Ebay will protect you from these creeps, think again. One screw for me by a deadbeat seller, and they still couldn't get me the card or my money back from the seller. That sucks!

    Do you think they will kick me off because I end some auctions early every now and then. It's actually not as often as you think. So here is their dilema - kick me off and lose out on the usual $100+ they get from me a month, or just lose out on a few dollars here and there. What do you really think they will do?

    Brian "Iamthegreatcornholio" - Standing up for what is right! What a great slogan!


    7 MVP awards, the single season HR record, career walks record, single season walks record, 700HR/500SB, and two batting titles near 40 years old. How can one argue that those aren't stats of the greatest to ever play the game??? All this and there is still more to come!!!! Bonds:2005 NL MVP. Or are you going to doubt him again?
  • The Roach,

    This is the last time that I will inform you that you “missed the boat”. It’s not a matter of if eBay will kick you off, which I believe they should since you have broken the rules that you have agreed to follow, it’s a matter of standing by your word. YOU agreed to not do these things that you brazenly admit doing, and yet that’s okay with you.

    In your cloudy little world where only money matters, you’re doing a good job! Hell, what else can you get away with, as long as you don’t get caught it’s okay right?

  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    boy we have really gone off on some tangents on this post lo

    edited to say: im wondering how this all started, oh yeah some guy ended an auction early and was honest about his reasoning for doing so.....that about sum it up???l
    Good for you.
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