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Does any one Know " phovnyc (541) " on Ebay

BIGDAVEBIGDAVE Posts: 1,764 ✭✭✭
I dont like to bid on ebay unless they are known good members of the Board



  • Yes.. I recognize the ID. I purchased an extremely rare $1 US Note from him last Fall. In fact, it's the rarest note I own. I don't know how he is with coins, but I'm pleased with the paper currency I purchased from him.

    Check his feedback and see if my user ID shows up. It's the same on Ebay as it is here. If this is the guy I'm thinking of, I would have left him positive feedback. Or you can check feedback for "TSimmerdown" and if his name shows up, then he's the guy.

    I think this is the guy, but I could be wrong. I'll post an update when I can check my Ebay feedback when I get home. I would do it now, but they blocked Ebay at work.....

  • BIGDAVEBIGDAVE Posts: 1,764 ✭✭✭

    Thank you , but if he is not a member of the Board, i will not buy from him..99.99% of my buying and selling on ebay is from Board members and i like .. never a problem one.

  • Smart thinking.. I've become extremely cautious with Fleabay as well. I don't think that the guy I'm thinking of is a member of this board, but for all I know, he lurks.

    Isn't it funny how even though CU lacks the "sophisticated and problem free" feedback rating system that Ebay does, but yet you feel more comfortable buying here? Hmm.. could that be due to accountability and reputations at stake? Fleabay could learn a few things about that.
  • 291fifth291fifth Posts: 24,275 ✭✭✭✭✭
    How do you know they are "good"? These boards could easily be used by scammers who want to build up a reputation for fairness in preparation for their big "kill". The scammers on eBay have caused just about everyone to become wary. A history of good feedback over a period of several years is probably your best way to avoiding scammers. Even then, problems are not ruled out. I expect a problem on eBay about once every 100 trades...and I am usually very careful. When I let my guard down and break my own rules is when I get in trouble.
    All glory is fleeting.

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