Robert, you for got to add "and why?" to your thread title I'll take #1 because it looks nice and smooth, whereas #2 is too mottled looking for my taste.
#1 looks like a nice original coin with no major problems. #2's mottled toning would turn me off if it was actually that strong in hand. I've noticed that with mottled coins, sometimes the toning comes up way too strong on pics, so I'd have to see it in person.
#1 is 65, and #2 is 66. It's a great example of how the coin with the dramatically better eye appeal is technically lower grade than the ugly coin. This pattern repeats itself a lot in the slabbed commems. Interesting related thread about this across the street.
I love that MS 65 grade for commems when they have the right eyeappeal. I saw that Texas and it really caught my eye on Pinnacle`s website. Congratulations on that purchase!!!!!
You are doing well, subject 15837. You are a good person.
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