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Block this ebayer!

I had a auction close last night for $610.00. This morning I receive this e-mail:

Dear bunker9603,

Just wanted to let you know a.s.a.p. This was my first transaction on eBay. I made a mistake, I cannot pay. I am truly sorry for the inconvienence.

Thank you,

I contacted ebay and was told that I have to wait 7 days to file a NPB and that I would not be issued credit for my listing fees...which were $23.00 dollars (Featured Plus). I was also told that if I filed a NPB that the bidder could leave me a Negative, which by the way sucks so I will probably eat the $40.00 total that I am out.

His ebay ID is: 9803brookview

Just FYI

My daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 2 (2003). My son was diagnosed with Type 1 when he was 17 on December 31, 2009. We were stunned that another child of ours had been diagnosed. Please, if you don't have a favorite charity, consider giving to the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)

JDRF Donation


  • MadMartyMadMarty Posts: 16,697 ✭✭✭
    Sucks, send the buyer an E-Mail and tell him to avoid a neg he should pay your fees!
    It is not exactly cheating, I prefer to consider it creative problem solving!!!

  • I do not know anything about e-bay selling but I was just wondering is it against policy to offer the coin to the last person who bid on it since the person who won backed out, or rule is that you have to just relist it?
  • baccarudabaccaruda Posts: 2,588 ✭✭
    Can't you offer it to the first underbidder?
    1 Tassa-slap
    2 Cam-Slams!
    1 Russ POTD!
  • Ebay has what is called a Second Chance Offer Link

    It lets you offer the item to one of your other bidders. The only catch is that you will have to pay another closing fee if your offer is accepted.
    However, after the 7 days you can request a closing fee refund from your non-paying bidder.

    In this case, you could come out ok and probably lose only $10 since your underbidder had a $600 bid.
    Dave - Durham, NC
  • I have never received a negative feed for filing a NPB and have done it several times. Just file it and get your money back.

    edited to add, just tell the guy the process about getting your selling fees back. He or she will understand.

  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭
    At least he didn't ignore three notices, finally responding to the fourth saying it was the first he'd heard about it and that "his 12 year old son" must have bid while he was out of town. That was my most recent newb deadbeat.

    << <i>I have never received a negative feed for filing a NPB and have done it several times. >>

    Ditto. File the NPB. The idiot needs it on his record.

    Russ, NCNE

  • << <i>I have never received a negative feed for filing a NPB and have done it several times. >>

    I received a negative right after I filed a NPB. I hadn't even left feedback. Every one of my 11 (so far) negatives has been retaliation. SO MUCH FOR EBAY PROVIDING A "SAFE ENVIRONMENT".
  • K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295

    This is why I no longer allow zero feedback users to bid on my auctions without contacting me first. This clown is playing games.
  • I won't allow anyone with less than a 5 positive feedback bid on my auctions, PERIOD.
    - -

    Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies.
  • I think I'm gonna have to do the same thing, not allow people without feedback to bid. I just got another retraction tonight. User had feedback of 1. Reason for cancelling: Can't contact the seller. I suppose it's possible that he tried and there was a technical problem. But I recieve questions from other users, so I doubt he even tried.
  • relayerrelayer Posts: 10,570

    File the NPB and get a refund for your final value fee.

    Then call eBay and complain about the Featured Fee for a NPB. They will probably issue you a one-time "Educational Credit" for your $20
    My posts viewed image times
    since 8/1/6
  • File the NPB and leave a negative feedback and thanks for letting us know about this person....


  • ebaytraderebaytrader Posts: 3,312 ✭✭✭
    Beware of a new scam among buyers. As common as it seems and as unrelated as the buyers appear, this must have been picked up off some bulletin board. Basically, the scammers - usually with solid feedback - are sniping auctions and then making lowball settlement offers after the auction apparently after reviewing the bidding history as the offer is based not necessarily on the underbidder but maybe the 3rd. The also send carefully crafted emails suggesting feedback extortion and make wild assertions about your account that they are reporting to Ebay. This has occurred 3 times to us within the last 30 days and we are, by no means, big-time Ebay sellers.
  • hookooekoohookooekoo Posts: 381 ✭✭✭
    I won't allow anyone with less than a 5 positive feedback bid on my auctions, PERIOD.

    How can this be accomplished? What's to prevent a user with zero or maybe 1 feedback to snipe your auction at the last minute?
  • CladiatorCladiator Posts: 18,016 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Same here 3 out of 4 of my negatives were retaliation from deadbeat bidders.
  • VetVet Posts: 1,513
    Everyone screws up somtimes.Ask him to pay for your listing fees.
    "Freedom of speech is a great thing.Just because you can say anything does not mean you should.

  • << <i>I won't allow anyone with less than a 5 positive feedback bid on my auctions, PERIOD.

    How can this be accomplished? What's to prevent a user with zero or maybe 1 feedback to snipe your auction at the last minute? >>

    That's true and the downside of doing it that way. The way I do it is just state the terms in the description. But then you got to keep an eye on the bids and cancel the bidders below 5. I've never ran into a problom with I sniper with less than 5 but I've had to cancel a few bids. Some people read the terms, some dont and some just choose to ignore them. I wish ebay would implement a tool to block bids from bidders below a certain rating if a seller chooses so.
    - -

    Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies.
  • Hi smitty. You said; "won't allow anyone with less than a 5 positive feedback bid on my auctions, PERIOD." How do you enforce that? You really can't. A zero feedbacker can still snipe your auction leaving you no time to cancel their bid. Bidder block? No good. You can't block a bidder until AFTER you know their username. I've long said that Ebay needs to provide a tool that allows a Seller to block by "feedback number" rather than by "username." It's really the only way that would allow preventing such bids. matteproof
    Remember Lots Wife
  • IrishMikeIrishMike Posts: 7,737 ✭✭✭
    It's always interesting to read some of the comments that get posted to these type of posts. I joined ebay in 1999 and have accumaleted 328 positive ratings and no negatives. I've had 6 bad experiences, the worst was I lost $28 to a seller who was NARU'ed. One time it took almost 6 weeks for delivery of a cheap proof set for one of my daughters, it was a Christmas present and I had to buy another one and ended up with two. The other four were from sellers who cancelled the auction before it ended. There were no errors in the auction, the price just wasn't what the seller wanted or they sold in at a coin show. Since then I have never bid on these seller's auctions even if they state that they reserve the right to cancel it do to a sell.

    My point is less we forget that at one time we were all new to Ebay. If you don't allow buyers with less than 5 positive transactions to bid on your auctions then you will be cutting out any new people who join up. This persons lack of funds had nothing to do with them not having the money to pay for the auction. I don't see that you can equate the two. If this bothers you then put something in your auction that prompts new ebayers to email you and discuss your auction before you place your bid.

    Request your NPB from Ebay and post the negative that this buyer deserves. If you don't post the negative then you are allowing NPB's to do as they please. Retaliatory negatives from NPB's is not a good reason to avoid your responsibility.
  • I've been in the second bidder seat and I really appreciated the seller offering me another chance at purchasing the item. I think that you should offer the item to the next higher bidder!
    Constellatio Collector sevenoften@hotmail.com
    "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished!"
    "If it don't make $"
    "It don't make cents""
  • BunkerBunker Posts: 3,926
    Just an update, I sent the "Second Chance Offer" to the under bidder and he did not take me up on it. I am going to file a NPB and relist the item this weekend.

    My daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 2 (2003). My son was diagnosed with Type 1 when he was 17 on December 31, 2009. We were stunned that another child of ours had been diagnosed. Please, if you don't have a favorite charity, consider giving to the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)

    JDRF Donation

  • << <i>Hi smitty. You said; "won't allow anyone with less than a 5 positive feedback bid on my auctions, PERIOD." How do you enforce that? You really can't. A zero feedbacker can still snipe your auction leaving you no time to cancel their bid. Bidder block? No good. You can't block a bidder until AFTER you know their username. I've long said that Ebay needs to provide a tool that allows a Seller to block by "feedback number" rather than by "username." It's really the only way that would allow preventing such bids. matteproof >>

    Your right, in a snipe situation, you cant. But like I said before, I've never had that situation. As far as the blocking tool, that's the tool I was refering to in my previous post that I think ebay needs, block by feedback.
    - -

    Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies.
  • BikingnutBikingnut Posts: 3,374 ✭✭✭
    I'd do the NPB. So he made a mistake 8 times over two days. That's BS. I'd do the NPB and neg him so that his first feedback was a -1.
    US Navy CWO3 retired. 12/81-09/04

    Looking for PCGS AU58 Washington's, 32-63.
  • I've got 470 feedbacks, 469 positive and 1 neutral (guy didn't like it that I took too long to ship during the week of Christmas). I've had zero problems with NPB's and have had several sales to less than 5 feedback bidders. I hold my breath on those but have been lucky so far. I don't like the idea of blocking newbies unless there's a pattern in their meager feedback profile. We were all there once!


    Lincoln Wheats (1909 - 1958) Basic Set - Always Interested in Upgrading!
  • ms70ms70 Posts: 13,953 ✭✭✭✭✭

    This eBayer would have made me mad enough that I'd eat the neg even though I have perfect feedback.

    Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.

  • BigD5BigD5 Posts: 3,433
    Ebay's "second chance offer" program doesn't work. At least not for me. I've never had a response, although I've only had to use it a few times. A couple of other Ebay Sellers have mentioned the same to me.

    I've completed MANY transactions with low feedback members. I'm with Irishmike. Everyone has to start somewhere. Sure you are going to get a deadbeat now and then, but when those come around, in my head, I pretend the coin was sold, paid for, and returned. You are still out the listing fees, and you have to move on.

    With that said, Ebay needs to find a way to speed up the process of recouping fees on deadbeats, and finding a way to fix the negative feedback situation with these scenario's. It isn't a good system but heh, it's all we have right now. image

    You have to remember once you start selling items on Ebay, you are now dealing with the retail public, and if you've never done that before, you are in for a wake up call.

    *as a side note, I recently completed a $3k+ transaction with a 2(?) feedback user. Some people are just lurking around waiting for the occasional coin that might strike their fancy. I also recently had a very inexpensive proof set end on Ebay and the buyer claimed they couldn't pay, times were tough etc... I mentioned that if things were so tight they shouldn't have been bidding, but I told them to send me a little bit now, and a little bit in a week or so, etc.. until the set was paid for. (the item was $20 approx.) They then asked if they could send me the total, but post date the check. Worked for me. Sometimes things can happen, and people can get embarrassed for not being able to complete a transaction. Then there's the slimeball who claimed my slab was cracked open by a postal employee, and the coin was switched.........You just don't know.

    Ebay Stuff
  • roadrunnerroadrunner Posts: 28,303 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Games were definitely played. This joker bid the coin up from $300 to the $500 range multiple times. No doubt this guy got auction fever and then buyer's remorse once he won the lot. I would imagine the underbidders see the slew of bids by "0" FB bidders and got cold feet too. This guy is playing you, newbie or not. Many of us have probably done the same thing and wished we hadn't bid, but we paid up. Have the guy pay on time or something, do a trade, etc. There's more than one way to skin a cat.

    Good luck.

    Barbarous Relic No More, LSCC -GoldSeek--shadow stats--SafeHaven--321gold
  • Another course to pursue would be filing a case with SquareTrade, much of what happens there is discussion that eventually leads to settlement agreement(s). My success rate is 12 for 12, including cases dealing with non-paying bidders. Quite frankly, I think it scares the mess out of them.
    Morgan Dollar Aficionado & Vammer
    Current Set: Morgan Hit List 40 VAM Set

  • << <i>I won't allow anyone with less than a 5 positive feedback bid on my auctions, PERIOD. >>

    Retarded policy.

    Where would we be if everyone did that?


  • << <i>

    << <i>I won't allow anyone with less than a 5 positive feedback bid on my auctions, PERIOD. >>

    Retarded policy.

    Where would we be if everyone did that?

    tim >>

    You have your policies, I'll have mine. Don't like it? Too bad, they are MY auctions. Fact of the matter is NOT everyone is doing this. But, I choose to. image
    - -

    Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies.

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