Just a holed 1893 Columbian half, on my vest. Knew a fella that had an AG Huguenot half, but he moved away. Have you talked to Braddick yet? I don't know if he still collects PCGS coins in FR02 grade, but he might have some super-slick commems around.
I don't have any that are holed and thinking about it- I've seen only about five or so in the last 18 years that have been holed. You'de think there would be more out there as early Commemoratives are decorative in nature and would look pleasant as a charm on the end of a necklace. Good luck with your adventure. I think it's going to be a difficult challenge.
Good luck with your adventure. I think it's going to be a difficult challenge.
Lafayette Grading Set
(I'd personally go with SEGS.)