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A message to eBay/Paypal ?

Immagine this elaborate, but rediculous plan.....

1) A plethera of users unite to form an intity, union, or group.
2) Each open a new bank account with the minimum deposit and apply for a debit card.
3) Upon receipt and activation of those cards, they create PayBay accounts and await verification of said accounts.
4) The users also form a union, where as all members hold joint auctions, sharing in the wealth of proceeds.
5) This union reserves certain legal rights and discalimers, many of which holds neither the union as a whole, or any individual responsible for any indeliberate action resulting in misuse, misrepresentation, or otherwise.
6) Under precise coordination, all users list millions of items up for auction, each item with a minimum bid of $1,000,000.00.
7) Within 24 hours of listing, all items are withdrawn, and all accounts are either frozen, suspended, or closed.

What would PayBay lose? Nothing. What could they possibly hope to gain? Nothing.
What message would this send? "Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining".

My point? Many of us may have good luck with paybay, and many have heartache. Either way, eventually everyone has their complaints, and we voice it to each other and eBay/Paypal. But, are our voices really heard? The statistics and results say "no". Do they care? Well, they've become much like the phone companies,... without them you don't communicate to the masses you want to, so they don't care,... they don't have to,... they're EBAY the almighty.

I know, it's a highly flawed idea with several drawbacks and legal issues that would take weeks for an internet lawyer to sift through. But, overall I think something like this would make them stand back and take a serious look at their business ethics.

Ok, you're right. I have too much time on my hands. Matters not,.. they still piss me off.

The Rede we live by: If it harms none, do what you will.

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