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Selling older silver Washingtons by the roll or single

I have 10 OBW (original bank wrapped) rolls of uncirculated quarters to sell for "personal" reasons.

10 rolls of 1958-D still in shotgun rolls with some fairly rare Names of Banks printed on the

wrappers. 58-D in 66 and especially 67 are low pop-so PM me with your bid and may the best person win.

I will not break open these rolls nor am I responsible for what's in them. They sure appear to be genuine

as the wrappers, you can tell, are very old! I also have 1 roll of 64-D bearing the

Omaha National Bank Name on it! Also a roll of Gem BU 1955-D

The 58-Ds (4 rolls) are from the Bank of New York
3 rolls are from the Indiana Natl Bank of Indianapolis
2 rolls- Brandt-Watertown, Wisconsin
1 roll-Union Trust Co of Maryland
1 roll 1964-D- Omaha Natl. Bank- Omaha Nebraska
1 roll of 55-D in a tube-Gem BU

Make your offer by PM and I'll let you know what top bid is.


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