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How long should I wait...

I sold a coin on eBay on the Feb 26th to a guy that has 363 feedback and 99.7% positive. I invoiced him and he replied to see if I could include insurance with the S/H fee and would pay immediately upon my reply. I replied to him that I would be happy to. I didn't hear from him for 3 days so I sent payment reminder. I have not heard from him since. I sent him another email 2 days ago requesting that he inform me of his intentions to conclude our buisness.
Question is this: Should I offer second chance to other bidders and risk getting neg'd or how long should I continue to wait.


  • K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295
    It's too early to kill the transaction, since it is only eight days old. He could have mailed payment for it.

    I would give him till Monday to respond to you, and if doesn't by then file a non-paying bidder alert with eBay. This will cause eBay to send him a "reminder to pay your eBay seller" email. If you haven't received payment ten days after the NPB alert, file for a fee credit with eBay and relist the coin.

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