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Customer service with crossovers

In another thread, the subject of a dealer crossing a coin for a customer came up. I was impressed by the risk that this dealer took by providing this service to their customer.

I have asked dealers before if they would guarantee the grade of a coin in another 3rd party grading service's holder. The replies have ranged from "no, too many variables and politics to play the crossover game and crackout is too risky" (David Lawrence, Heritage). Which is fine, that's their call as a business. The other end of the spectrum is "Sure, send it in and I'll guarantee the grade at the other service or full refund - I'll even give you extended time to do it" (Anaconda). And even "I guarantee all of my RAW coins will make the grade at PCGS or NGC or you can have a full refund (Ed Hipps, TX dealer). But I have never seen a dealer take the risk and expense of crossing the coin themselves BEFORE the sale to the customer. That seems like great service to me.

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Type collector since 1981
Current focus 1855 date type set

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